A poem without rhyme, that was his face this Sunday. The queen, who is sometimes called hieratic, did not need words to make herself understood. half of so much anger and pain, What eloquence of his gestures. Behind them crouched many other women who had been watching the debacle for days, stupefied, and when we saw her, we let out some steam. Not even on purpose do things turn out so badly, because there is a type of negligence that is born from a lack of empathy, ignorance, quarrel, him “and you worse”, that turns error into atrocity.
In Letizia’s every gesture I have perceived an attempt to contain her sadness and, at the same time, the willingness to share it, because it is what those around her needing, crying out for help. Can a hug be enough comfort? It almost never is, but it is comforting to recognize the pain in the other, give it space, and value an emotional burden that is difficult to condense into words. The Kings manifested humanity in its purest form. Many women recognized each other in Letizia because she reflected the impotence, the rage and the capitulation of a defeat before a system that has failed. I cried with her and with those who told her “you are a mother… what if you had no way to feed your daughters because you have lost everything?” It is difficult to fit this familiarity into the pain by appealing to what we are: little people in the midst of uncertainty, which turns some people upside down mercilessly.
The protest had been born spontaneously among neighbors overwhelmed by flagrant abandonment
“What were the kings looking for at ground zero? Why did they expose themselves? Couldn’t they choose another time?” I have heard in the gatherings that fill the media, questions in which incomprehension creeps in: the kings come in order to listen to the other in their tragedySimply put, and to do this you have to train a genuine empathy that most of those who govern lack, perhaps due to incompetence or because, since ideology permeates everything, they have fallen into its trap and imposture prevents them from connecting with others. . As an example, in the space of an hour a mayor went from ensuring that the protest had arisen spontaneously among neighbors overwhelmed by flagrant abandonment, to maintaining that it was organized by the ultras and there were no townspeople in it.

Crisis communication has been replaced by a partisan narrative that crushes speeches like a steamroller. It is dangerous for ideology to occupy inappropriate spaces or that correspond to science because, using the same rule of those who argue that “everything is politics”, we can venture that everything is medicine, since this science covers practically any human dimension: the physical, the emotional, the psychological, the social. …
We learn to read the soul through the human face
We didn’t need to listen to the queen to know what she thought. In fact, if we spent time observing the faces of others, we would obtain valuable information that their words spare us, because no one wants to be caught in a lie or manipulation. However, lies, cynicism, foolishness, evil, fear, revenge… any emotion or feeling is reflected on our face. For example, no deception escapes a careful look: if you want to know If someone is paying attention to you, notice how they blink. If you detect a blinking faster than normal, then, even if they claim otherwise, what you are saying matters to them zero and they do not listen to you. And if you are interested in finding out if what your interlocutor vehemently asserts is true, observe his pupils because, if they are more dilated than normal, he is probably lying. We learn to read the soul through the human face.
A polarized society never moves forward. To overcome an uncertain present, more than inflamed harangues, a vocation for service that connects with the opposite and is concerned with always finding a common ground is needed. Thank goodness that on Sunday a woman and her husband showed us what it means to be there for each other.
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#Queen #Letizia #listens #Opinion #Teresa #Viejo