Puente assures that Sánchez was going to have dinner with the president of Cantabria but that the PP has prevented it

The Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, has assured that the president of Cantabria, María José Sáenz de Buruaga, had called a dinner with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, prior to the Conference of Presidents that will be held tomorrow in Santander. , but that the Popular Party has not allowed this meeting to take place.

“It has stopped. The Popular Party has stopped it. “Where are you calling a dinner with the President of the Government?” Puente snapped during his speech this Thursday at the presentation of the book ‘Bulos, combat manual’, by Rubén Sánchez, which took place at the Faculty of Sciences of the Information from the Complutense University of Madrid. The minister regretted that “something so normal in a democratic State, in a healthy democracy” on the occasion of a meeting of the institutional representatives of the autonomous communities and the President of the Government, cannot be held.

“Something as normal as that could not be done on this occasion. “This is the situation we have,” Puente added.

The Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, made these statements at an event to present the latest book by Rubén Sánchez. In it he referred this afternoon to the massive dissemination of lies in the media, political discourse and on social networks, which in his opinion reaches the extreme when it is introduced in judicial instances. “The entities that want power and use it for their benefit against the majority have understood that […] the tools to gain power […] They consist of inducing the citizen into a wrong idea based on lies. This is tremendous, let alone when these lies make their way into the courts of justice,” warned the politician, who has avoided citing specific cases.

The minister and socialist deputy reflected this way in a conversation with the director of Público, Virginia P. Alonso, and the general secretary of the consumer organization Facua, Rubén Sánchez, who has recently published a book on the matter —Bulos, manual de combat — in which he reviews his experience of more than a decade facing professional defamers in court and gives guidelines to counteract false speech on networks.

The recipes of Sánchez, victorious in dozens of legal suits against libel professionals such as the Ausbanc or Manos Limpies associations, as well as a regular combatant against media figures of the ultra nebula such as Javier Negre or Vito Quiles, are not the panacea, according to himself. recognized: sue, if you have resources, or respond to lies with a certain spectacularity and ridiculing the jokes, so that the response has more echo than the initial insidiousness; and even, on a collective scale, that citizens get involved in the battle in their personal spheres, responding, for example, to the mendacious impertinences of the family member on duty at Christmas dinners.

Puente has declared himself concerned about the rise of hoaxes as a political tool on a global scale and, for Spain, has defended legal reforms that he has not detailed, but that allude to the democratic regeneration package announced in September by the Government, and that involve reforming of the civil protection law of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and one’s own image and the regulation of the right to rectification, so that the system is improved to urge and achieve the rectification of false or openly biased news, with compensation and appropriate deadlines.

The false dead in the Valencia parking lot

The hoax about the supposed thousands of deaths in a shopping center in Valencia after the passage of DANA, which spread despite denials, shows the strength that the fraud industry has acquired. “Even if they prove it to be false, there are those who prefer to believe the lie, even against the facts,” said Puente. Faced with this, beyond legislation, it is worth thinking about strengthening the education of schoolchildren, he admitted to questions from the public. He recalled the frustrated subject of Citizenship Education promoted during Zapatero’s time and harshly criticized by the right for being indoctrinating. “They said it was ideology, when it was civility,” he said, after criticizing the PISA methodology for evaluating student competencies, whose results in Spain can be improved: “Students who do very well in PISA are the ones who are probably the more they eat the hoaxes.”

Damage to children

The minister has also been the subject of hoaxes and false information, such as those that affected a publication with his daughter when she was a minor, which resulted in minor fines. “Not being able to go out with your daughter normally, not wanting to be seen with you, not saying who her father is in a public setting… The human damage is very serious and cannot be alleviated with a fine of 5,000 euros” , he lamented.

Pablo Echenique, former Secretary of Organization of Podemos, who wrote the prologue of the book – Puente was in charge of the epilogue – was also going to attend the event, but he could not attend due to illness. In recent times, the references by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to the existence of judicial persecution of his entourage have been received in Podemos with a certain distance, which is why from the purple formation it is understood as tolerance against the fabulists when those accused They were Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero. Puente briefly referred to this aforementioned lack of empathy. “Times have moved on and have changed a lot, the situation is completely out of control. What they did with them is indecent, [pero] “We don’t fix anything by looking back.”

#Puente #assures #Sánchez #dinner #president #Cantabria #prevented

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