Take one balanced diet And that we give us all the nutrients we need is not only a matter of the calories we consume up to date, but it has to do, and much, with How we distribute that energytaking into account the Distribution of macronutrients … . That is, it is not the same to consume a plate of pasta (which are carbohydrates) with cheese, than to reduce the amount of pasta, adding for example prawns (which is a source of protein) and a good amount of vegetables.
Our body needs a good distribution of proteins, carbohydrates and fats throughout the day to work properly, since each of them has a specific function:
– The Proteins We can describe them as the bricks of our body. They are responsible for repairing tissues, producing enzymes and maintaining our muscle mass.
– The Carbohydrates They are an immediate source of energy for our body. It is always preferable to choose them integral since in this way we will maintain this energy in a more stable way and without blood sugar ups and downs.
– The Fatsin addition to being an energy warehouse, they are key in the production of hormones, the absorption of vitamins and the functioning of our brain.
Therefore, we must take into account:
– Do not eliminate any food group. All macronutrients are necessary; The important thing is to choose the best sources of them, and adjust the amounts in relation to the physical activity that we already perform the characteristics of each person.
– Listen to our body. Not everyone has the same needs. It is important to learn to identify when we really have hunger or desire to eat.
– Avoid sugar peaks. If we abuse rapid absorption carbohydrates, this can lead us to our brain increasingly asking for a greater amount.
– If you have a greater energy expenditure For exercise you have to increase carbohydrates, both before and after physical exercise to improve performance and recovery.
– Always prioritize Fresh foods and avoids the consumption of ultraprocessing.

The key is to know how to distribute them throughout the day to take advantage of this energy, without.
For example, a way to add all macronutrients to serious breakfast:
– A toasted whole bread with avocado and egg.
– A natural yogurt with nuts and seeds.
– Porridge of oatmeal and red fruits.
In the middle of the morning we can make an snack avoiding ultraprocessed that will give us a large amount of sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. We can add without problems:
– A handful of nuts and a piece of fruit.
– A natural yogurt with cinnamon and seeds.
– Carrot sticks with hummus.
The secret is to add healthy proteins, fiber and fats, although we have an intense activity, it is always advisable to include a source of slow absorption carbohydrates, in this case, we could add a sandwich with fresh cheese, avocado and tomato.

The food is usually the most important intakes of the day (although depending on the person, it does not have to be), so it is necessary to incorporate quality proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. For example:
It is the perfect time to include a good amount of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Your body will take advantage of these nutrients and you will have energy to face the rest of the day.
– Grilled salmon with quinoa and salad seasoned with olive oil.
– Stewed lentils with integral rice and vegetables.
– Chicken breast with roasted potatoes and asparagus.
In the afternoon, you can also make a snack, especially for the most active people and can be similar to the morning snacks.

And at night, it is always advisable to reduce energy a bit, preventing dinners from being heavy, since we are not going to use that energy immediately. For example:
– Vegetable tortilla with fresh cheese.
– Baked fish with zucchini and carrot.
– Pumpkin cream with a handful of seeds and a little grilled chicken ..
A good distribution of proteins, hydrates and fats throughout the day will not only help you feel with more energy, but will help you improve digestions and avoid cravings. So, add variety of foods and listen to the needs of your body. It is not about eliminating macronutrients such as carbohydrates or fats, but rather to find the appropriate proportions to each person.
You can know more about nutritionist Elisa Escorihuela through her Instagram account: @eliescorihuela his work in the Nutt Nutrition Center And in his book ‘Dietotherapy‘. You can also read all the nutritional recommendations that collect your articles in ABC of ‘Nutrition Classroom’.
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