The episodes of emotional deregulation, where there is poor management of feelings and the reaction is not adequate, They are common among students with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)defined as a condition of neurodevelopment that affects brain functioning and that is characterized by leading to difficulties in communication and social integration and flexibility of thought.
These types of behaviors are mainly triggered When there is an excess of stimuli or an lack of control of the situationaccording to the therapist psychologist of a concerted school in Villanueva de la Cañada, Mariluz Mirón, which is part of autism Madrid. Although there is no official census, this association estimates that “in the Community of Madrid there are approximately 63,000 people with ASD.”
When one of these episodes is produced among tea students, The psychologist mentions three keys to knowing how to treat it. First, “protect the student” so that he does not harm himself or the classmates. Second, “get him out of the classroom space to be able to speak quietly and give him time to calm down.” And finally, “address the issue to understand what happened” and try to give you advice for the next few times.
And all this taking into account “the importance of proactive work” to know students with ASD and the specificities of each person, and “detecting previous signals” to a lack of lack of control, such as “unusual nervousness, a verbiage that increases or repetitive movement patterns,” Mirón details.
Thus the psychologist crumbles how to address the episodes of emotional deregulation Following the case of Feliciano Tisera’s 13 -year -old sonwhich has been able to go to the institute since February 17. Diagnosed with ASD, that day had one of these episodes, typical of some people who with this neurobiological disorder, which It led to an aggressive attitude towards a teacher of the IES San Isidoro de Sevilla, in the capital, which ended up making a reduction maneuver.
“My son has fixing with listening to mobile sound and asked the teacher to be able to do it. As the teacher refused, He obfuscated and ended up launching some object and had an aggressive behavioruntil the teacher reduced it, “Tisera says.”It is essential not to confront him, not get inflexible with him. When you do not allow the child with autism to satisfy that need, he climbs emotionally as the foam and, if you stress more, the foam continues to rise, “the father exemplifies, who does not criticize the teacher’s performance, but he complains about the misunderstanding towards his son.
The educational center called the Police and the Samur, the teacher decided to report and the son of Tisera Le They opened a disciplinary file That he has prevented him from resuming classes, according to the father, who considers that “he has sanctioned as a disciplinary theme for a behavior that, although not adequate, is typical of his condition and has not been done on purpose.”
The director of the Center, María Dolores Martínez, in conversation with Europa Press has indicated that she prefers not to make statements regarding what happened that day and has limited herself to explaining that They have helped the family find a new center.
“The most serious thing is that He is blamed, because he is fully aware of everything; He has communication and social interaction problems, but understands everything. This situation of being at home causes anguish and has come to verbalize negative thoughts and ideas of death, “says Tisera, who explains that her son “You need a routine and predictability” In your day to day.
The therapist psychologist agrees with a tisera in which “routine is essential.” “We work a lot the autonomy of people with ASD and, for this, you have to have a series of routines and schedules so that they know what they have to do at all times,” says Mirón, although he clarifies that he also also “You have to learn how to make it more flexible.”
Tisera’s complaints are not so much aimed at the teacher’s performance, which he considers wrong but without bad faith, but more towards the lack of means and the lack of training for this type of case In an institute that is also preferred for special educational needs. “Instead of applying appropriate intervention strategies, He sat on him to immobilize him, reflecting a worrying lack of training In crisis management in minors with ASD, something unacceptable in a supposedly specialized center, “the father spokes.
In the preferential care centers for students with special educational needs derived from ASD, The student is enrolled in an ordinary classroom, but a support classroom is enabled in which a part of his school day passes. Thus, they have two extraordinary personal resources: a specialist teacher in therapeutic pedagogy or hearing and language and one in social integration, as detailed in the portal of the Community of Madrid.
From the Ministry of Education they explain that “Each school year are organized for teachers about attention to Tea students “and that educational centers have” orientations and indications about how to act in cases of emotional deregulation. “
In the Community of Madrid there are 689 centers of preference for TEA students, of which 461 are public schools of early and primary education, 92 are institutes of secondary education and 136 are concerted centers.
After almost a month without going to class, Tisera’s son will finally return to classes in one of these, The Lourdes concerted school, in Madrid, where there is a place for him. If everything goes as planned, he will begin next Tuesday, says the father, who highlights the importance of his son having a school routine again. “Let’s see if it adapts well and has the professionals and resources you need,” Tisera asks.
The first option they were raised was to transfer it to a Special Education Center (CEE), a possibility that they refused because the intellectual coefficient of his son is normal for his age and, therefore, “he was going to get bored.” “Intellectually he has no problems, he even writes and speaks in Japanese and in English perfectly. The complicated thing is emotional management, “explains the father.
To this is added that, according to the psychologist, the passage from primary to secondary for people with tea is usually a greater deregulation. “They enter, like the rest of the people, in a total teenage phase, with a maelstrom of changes that emotionally affect them,” he says.
“These children are a challenge, because their head is different and you cannot talk to them with common sense. So they need centers with sensitivity and professionals who know how to attend,” Tisera ditch.
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