Professor: main objective of the new fascism

Regardless of who manages education in each Autonomous Community, the pressure exerted through public opinion, ideologized students, influenced by reactionary families and social media content, and the pressure of the philofascist parties suggest that the time waiting To the teaching staff will be hard

It is not a rhetorical exercise that I propose. Teachers, especially left -wing, even the one who, without feeling of the left, believes in respect for human rights and is only dedicated to teaching what he has to teach, is in danger because he is one of the main objectives of the reactionary counterrevolution in The one we are immersed.

The US Vice President JD Vance did not hide when raising his goals when at a conference of conservatives internationally he expressed it without hot cloths: “The teachers are our enemies.” The speech dealt with how in his opinion in the academy predominated the liberal and progressive ideas that would have to be fought, and as Donald Trump is now doing, pursuing them. He has begun by the justice officials who judged him, but he will not stop.

The new macartism that Donald Trump is carrying out against anyone who identifies with a ghost called “woke”, which is nothing more than a way of labeling who creates in diversity, equality and social justice, aims to Ideological purge that allows you to homogenize administrations to carry out your plan of democratization. In that plan, education occupies a preeminent place and for this the teaching staff is their first dike to knock down. It will soon see how these persecutions pass from the speeches to the facts establishing fear and self -censors Trans people have the right to exist and that their life matters.

Fascism has never disappeared, it simply adopts masks that allow it to adapt to its time and get with its new clothes to enter the minds of those who would reject their ancient forms. But the new forms do not change their ways of proceeding and always choose the same objectives, the same tools and the same way of operating against otherness and against those that it points as enemies. To achieve all its purposes it is essential to limit the dissent from its origins and that is why education is always among its obsessions. There is no new expression of fascism that does not point to teachers as an element to discipline.

In Spain, obsession is known with what fascists call gender ideology, which according to their patient consideration is used to indoctrinate minors. The parental pin was the vault key of the principle of action of our homeland fascists to point out that teachers were in question and that it was necessary to establish a parental guardianship about the work of teachers to tell them what they can do and what is unacceptable. Logically, these harassment and demolition campaigns against teachers have concretions even if they are not able to carry out their policies to the extreme. Students soak what happens and any element they can use to question the authority of teachers will use it for their benefit generating a sense of permanent discomfort in the teaching staff that will lead them to self -censorship so as not to have problems in their work performance.

It will not improve the situation. Regardless of who administratively manages education in each Autonomous Community, the pressure exerted through public opinion, ideologized students, influenced by reactionary families and the social networks content, and the pressure of the edged parties suggest that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time that the time Waiting for teaching staff will be hard. They will not be able to defend themselves and will need that those who believe that public education is the only effective path for the freedom of the individual to stand by their side and exercise without fear and with a shield courage against those who are sided alone to defend our democracy from the base from the base and the most elementary human rights. Defending today the teacher of your creatures is to ensure that in the future they are independent and free, safe from hatred and discrimination.

#Professor #main #objective #fascism

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