He dollar price today Monday, May 27 averages $16.7081 Mexican pesos. His purchase value is located at $16.3618 while at the sale is placed at $17.0544.
It must be remembered that various banking institutions in the country and digital platforms sell the currency. The variations between the purchase and sale of the dollar in banks of Mexico They are usually important.
If you want to know what the price of the dollar is in the banks, here at Debate we tell you how is the currency to the buy and sell in eight of the main institutions from the country: Azteca BankBanorte, BBVA, Citibanamex and others.
How do you buy the dollar today, Monday, May 27, 2024?
- Affirm: $15.70 Mexican pesos
- Banco Azteca: $16.00 Mexican pesos
- Banorte: $15.55 Mexican pesos
- BBVA: $15.63 Mexican pesos
- Citibanamex: $16.19 Mexican pesos
- Inbursa: $16.40 Mexican pesos
- Intercam: $16.18 Mexican pesos
- Monex: $16.05 Mexican pesos
Selling price of the dollar today, Monday, May 27, 2024
- Affirm: $17.20 pesos
- Banco Azteca: $17.44 pesos
- Banorte: $16.95 pesos
- BBVA: $17.16 pesos
- Citibanamex: $17.17 pesos
- Inbursa: $18.00 pesos
- Intercam: $17.19 pesos
- Monex: $17.74 pesos
Why is the dollar the most used currency in international trade?
Despite all the changes that has suffered throughout history, the dollar has maintained its position as the main reserve currency and the most used in commerce international.
The reason the dollar is the primary currency around the world is due to several factors, including the stability and strength of the US economy, openness to trade and capital flows, as well as general confidence in the system. political and economic of the United States.
However, it is necessary to point out that in recent years, challenges to the supremacy of the dollar have arisen, especially with the economic growth of China and the use of financial sanctions by the American Union, which has led some countries to seek alternatives to the dollar in their commercial transactions.
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