For Bethlehem, the education of his six -year -old son has become a “nightmare” to the point of wanting to return to his native Cádiz from Elche, after hearing him ask “What is Spanish?”. The confusion in his childhood (“has a cocoa in the head”) comes from the fact that by teaching him practically everything in Valencian, he corrects his mother erroneously about some words that “do not write like this”, when in reality the mistake is him, he is he, Because he no longer knows his mother tongue “in which he has raised, with which he learned to speak.”
Moreover, they place the little ones in front of their parents: «The last thing they have been told is that they were going to separate them, that They were going to lose their friendsand the children went out to the patio with banners: Valencian vote, which if they do not separate us ».
That does not mean that this mother disapproves of the subject of the autonomous language. “I am delighted to learn it, but not with this inch, that maximum of 65%,” the school schedule for quotas that is at stake between this Tuesday and March 4 in a Consult families.
A vote that has become a true referendum to back down the linguistic immersion established by the predecessor of Carlos Mazón at the head of the Generalitat Valenciana – the socialist Ximo Puig – when Compromís directed his Department of Education. Partly, that regulations was lying by the courts and now the nationalists, seconded by the UGT and Stepv unions and other newly created entities, such as Pel Valenci family, have resorted to the new Law of Educational Freedom of the PP in turn in the courts. Also that mothers and fathers vote and choose.
“There is a brutal ideological indoctrination in many of the classrooms, with many coercion to boys by teachers related to Valencian, with threats and lies, also of the AMPA,” says Mar Sabio, representative of a union of mothers associations and Local parents in Torrevieja and Regional in La Vega Baja. Even xenophobia is reachedas has reached this spokeswoman, the association denounced a few days ago We speak Spanish and corroborates a director of the Institute of Pilar de la Horadada, connoisseur of tensions in other municipalities such as Crevillante and Guardamar del Segura: «In many families the message is not going to vote that they do not vote Spanish so that they do not touch immigrant students to their children in class and that will make the educational level fall ».

Image of a poster asking to vote for the Valencian in the consultation on the base language
When it comes to bulos, they go from the fact that the free textbooks or excursions and extracurricular activities are lost to what “Quality” of teaching Because teachers have their material only in Valencian, in addition to taking about eight years to have them in Spanish. These and other lies denounced them at a Conference Sonia Terreros, president of the Confederation of Covapa families.
The Department also sent an informative letter to deny false alerts, in the midst of this pro-life campaign through talks daily for the Valencian, letters such as those of a direct institute, posters denounced to the inspection hung within the educational centers within the educational centers within the educational centers and even slogans released by a technology teacher. “If you do not valence, I leave school,” another teacher released his students, Belén adds, who along with another mother, “she filed a complaint with the inspection because she was practically taught” anything “in Spanish in the Princess Center of Asturias de Elche.
«They have two classes in Spanish: one hour a week to read a story and one of music; That would be in theory 25% and it is assumed that 15% of English, but there are three hours a week and already exceeds Spanish, ”details this mother, who now also faces the enrollment from the next course of his young son in Infant , where language will also be voted. “I don’t want to live all this”laments.
Internal censorship
Before the escalation of this message campaign to force to vote for one of the two options, there has been some reaction of mothers and fathers of students disagreement with the “disinformation”like the Belén and Mar themselves that, although at half a hundred kilometers away, they have encountered the same censorship.
«They disseminated an explanatory video on Telegram on how Rest in the account for families, ”says the affected party based in Elche.
«In Torrevieja, some AMPA have been told that I had to inform only about the annex of the Ministry of Department, where only the deadlines, the census and little else are; And that the families themselves had to inform themselves by reading the law, ”says Mar, who emphasizes that official communication realizes the transcendence of this consultation for the future of their children. In addition, in a few homes they will engage in reading a legal text, as they were raised.
Both the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, José Antonio Rovira, and the Autonomous Secretary, Daniel Mcevoy, have stressed that the administration does not recommend or opt for either of the two languages and encourages participation in freedomin addition to guaranteeing that it has material and human resources to reorganize the current educational offer and return to the two lines-in Valencian and in Spanish-in force until the PSPV-PSOE and Compromís multilingualism law, today repealed.
We speak Spanish has filed several complaints about the lack of “neutrality” and “impartiality” in educational centers of the provinces of Valencia and Castellón. In total, he raised a report with 93 documentary evidence of that posters, mainly, together with a letter addressed to the Minister with the warning that if this nationalist mobilization was stopped with measures, they will “challenge” the consultation.
In fact, the department of Rovira ordered to remove posters and warned that schools and institutes They should not position themselves In favor of any language, which also aroused the reaction of the nationalist sectors and committing accusing him of “censorship.” At the same time, they paradoxically claimed to suspend the vote and thus silence the preferences of the parents.
Future officials
Another of the falsehoods disseminated insistently is based on the future work outings of schoolchildren. “They tell families that they may not have the degree to work in the public sector,” explains the Torrevejense.
Actually, the new regulations also deactivated the linguistic requirement when issuing Valencian knowledge certificates Automatically and retroactively since 2008 for all students to conclude their schooling period. And with title C1 – the one required to many officials – for those who had a seven note in Valencian. It was precisely announced as Ith so that no family asks for the exemption of the examination of this language in the Spanish -speaking areas.
Consultation keys and context data
From February 25 to March 4
Telematics choice of language in several days
From 9 am to 2 pm on March 5, families can vote telematically. If they need technical help, there are personnel in an assistance point in educational centers.
Several cycles
Enrolled in public or concerted
The consultation concerns the students of the public and concerted enrolled in the 2nd cycle of Infant, Primary or the first three courses of ESO. It is enough to vote for a legal representative for each child.
School tips
Abstention leaves the square in the hands of the educational center
Students whose parents do not vote for one or another base vehicular language will be attached to the center. Hence, the related to Spanish urges participating, since in many school advice there is a valencian majority.
Data disparity
Valencian use barometers
The last barometer of the Valencian use of 2023, revealed around 56% and upwards, while previous studies always pointed to their setback.
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