Presidential elections | VTV wants the presidential candidates to make advance announcements about their election funding

Unlike other elections, there is no upper limit to how much funding an individual supporter can give in presidential elections.

State economy the audit agency VTV hopes that the presidential candidates would provide preliminary information about their election financing before the early voting starts next week, Wednesday, January 17.

Supervisor Jonna Carlson VTV considers preliminary information to be relevant especially because in the presidential elections there is no ceiling in euro for the support given by an individual supporter, unlike in all other elections.

For example, parliamentary election candidates can receive a maximum of EUR 6,000 support from the same supporter.

“Advance notices are important because the voter can see in a transparent way from which parties their candidate has received funding and how big a campaign the candidate has planned to run,” says Carlson.

Advance notification is voluntary, but the election financing notification made after the election is mandatory for all candidates.

Any such advance notice had not been submitted by Friday afternoon. You have been able to leave them since December 21, and there is still time until January 26, that is, until the Friday before election day.

According to Carlson, it is up to each candidate to assess how early voters want to be taken into account when talking about election funding.

As such, Carlson is not surprised that no advance notices have been received yet.

“Usually at the end of the campaign, the most funds are collected. The assumption is that the announcements will come when the candidate or their supporters have a more accurate picture of what the funding actually consists of.”

The real one there is time until April 2 to make the mandatory election financing declaration, if there is only one round in the election. If there are two rounds, as is now planned, the notification must be submitted by April 15.

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