The state of Pope Francis “is still critical” and presents symptoms of “initial renal insufficiency, which is currently under control.” Doctors maintain the “reserved prognosis.” This morning they have celebrated Mass in their room, the first time since he entered the hospital.
The medical part confirms that no new respiratory crises have been presented, which has reacted well to blood transfusion and that thrombocytopenia, lack of platelets, remains stable. Also needing alternate moments nasal oxygen cannulas of high flow. Analysis does not yet know if it is responding to pharmacological therapy.
«The state of the Holy Father is still critical; However, he has not had respiratory crises since last night. It has been submitted to the two units of concentrated hematology with benefit and their hemoglobin value has increased. His thrombocytopenia has remained stable; However, some blood tests show initial, mild renal failure, which is currently under control. High flow oxygen therapy continues through nasal cannulas, ”recites the medical part.
«The Holy Father continues awake and conscious. The complexity of the clinical picture, and the waiting necessary for pharmacological therapies to give some result, make the forecast is still reserved», Adds.
“During the morning, on the floor enabled on the 10th floor, he attended the Holy Mass, along with those who are taking care of him during these days of hospitalization.” It means that he participated with some other people, not him alone or accompanied only by his secretaries.
This morning, Vatican Fuentes had already explained that the Pope had recovered from Saturday’s respiratory crisis and that they were doing new tests to determine if he was responding to the therapy. They also said they are not receiving visits.
Thanks the messages
In addition, instead of the Angelus, Pope Francis had sent at noon a written message in which he assured that he continues “convalescence”, thanks the messages of closeness and on the other hand he describes the war in Ukraine as “painful and shameful event for all humanity ». Due to the tone, the text was probably written between Thursday and Friday, although Pope Francis would have approved before publication.
«I continue with confidence my hospitalization in the Gemelli Polyclinic, continuing with the necessary treatments; And rest is also part of the therapy! ” “I thank the doctors and the health personnel of this hospital for the care they are demonstrating and for the dedication with which they perform their service among the sick people,” he added.
Also in the message he stressed that «these days I have arrived many messages of affection and I have especially impressed the children’s letters and drawings. Thank you for this closeness and for the conforting sentences that I have received from all over the world! The press office has shown some of them, written by Italian children.
In Sunday, the Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni had communicated that the Pope spent “a quiet night and has rested”, after hours before the medical bulletin had unleashed that the day spent “with more pain.”
The medical bulletin of Saturday night stressed that the clinical status of the Pope “is still critical” and explained that he had a prolonged respiratory crisis and that he needed a blood transfusion to face the fall of platelets related to anemia.
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