Yesterday a new installment of Pokémon Presents took place, with interesting announcements from many applications such as GO!, Masters EX, and even Café. but no revelation was as great as that of TCG Pocket, a new way of approaching the card game now on mobile phones. And within its gameplay, fans have realized something specific, as the application fixes a certain problem that was present for years in this unique collectible spinoff.
For those who have not noticed over the years, on the back of all the franchise cards there is always a Pokéball that opens and releases a kind of light, but the detail, at least in the American versions, The thing is that the opening is on the wrong side as it should be with the button and the red part together, which are separated from the bottom (the white part). This has been around for a long time, but apparently in the new application this illustration has finally been changed.
Here you can see it:
Here is a description of the TCG:
The Pokémon TCG, short for “Pokémon Trading Card Game” (Pokémon Trading Card Game in Spanish), is a collectible card game based on the popular Pokémon franchise. It was originally released in 1996 by the Japanese company Nintendo, in collaboration with Wizards of the Coast, and has since gained a large fan base around the world.
In the Pokémon TCG, players build decks of cards representing different Pokémon creatures, each with their own abilities and attacks. The goal of the game is to defeat the opponent's Pokémon, weakening them or eliminating them from the battlefield, while defending one's own Pokémon.
The game is played using a combination of strategy, tactics, and luck, as players draw cards from their decks to obtain new creatures, energy cards, and trainer cards that allow them to perform special actions during the game. Additionally, Pokémon can evolve into more powerful forms, adding an extra layer of strategic depth to the game.
Remember that Pokémon TCG Pocket It is not yet available, it is only mentioned that it will appear at some point in 2024.
Via: IGN
Editor's note: The topic of the application is very mysterious, especially since there is already a way to play the TCG on PC and even on mobile phones. Let's hope to see soon what the differentiating factor will be besides opening virtual card packs.
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