Every time dirty laundry comes out in the PP, the PSOE has reasons to rejoice. But also to start shaking. The last example is recent. We have confessed tax fraud by Ayuso’s partner. But things get tangled, they get tangled up among a few, until the one who ends up resigning is the general secretary of the PSOE in Madrid, worried that they will go after him as the State Attorney General already did. There are precedents for similar cases: that of Prestige, that of Gürtel or, related to Ayuso herself, the resignation of the former leader of the PP Pablo Casado.
We analyzed it with the deputy director of elDiario.es José Precedo.
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‘Al día’ and ‘A theme Al día’ are the elDiario.es newsletter and podcast to keep you informed with the latest news every morning. With Juanlu Sánchez, deputy director of eldiario.es, and the contributions of the entire editorial team.
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#PODCAST #Case #resignation #PSOE