Pedro Sánchez, to the Pope: “Do we govern world taxation or let a few rich govern us?”

“We face an unprecedented challenge.” The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, opened, together with Pope Francis and Lula da Silva, the forum Fiscal Justice and Solidarity: Towards a common, inclusive and sustainable homeorganized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) to put on the table how inequality is largely fed by an unfair international fiscal system.

In a previously recorded speech and heard in the Pío IV casina (agenda problems they prevented the physical presence of Lula and Sánchez), the president of the Government assured that “fiscal justice is not only a political option”, but that “it is about defend the principles of justice and solidarity that support our societies. ” And in the purest Bergoglio style he asked: do we govern world taxation or let a few rich govern us? ” Although at the last minute, it was announced that, due to the bronchitis that has been suffering from days, Francisco could not intervene, he is expected to issue his message throughout the morning.

The socialist leader focused on the IV International Conference on Financing for Development, which will take place in Seville in June, and who has invited the Pope. “We must ensure that sufficient resources are mobilized at a scale, both nationally and worldwide, to meet the 2030 agenda in time.”

In this sense, “progress in international tax cooperation will be essential”, at a time when “some seek to undo agreements that have cost us so much to achieve, weaken multilateralism and protect the richest and large With its fair part, ”said Sánchez, in an evening allusion to Donald Trump.

“Therefore, events like this are so timely and necessary,” said Sánchez, who highlighted three urgent priorities. “In the first place, we must take advantage of last year’s great advance on the effective taxation of the super rich,” he said, valuing the presidency of Brazil in the G20, and denouncing that “the growing disparity between the richest and the rest of the Society is not just an economic problem, it is a moral problem. ” “If billionaires pay proportionally less taxes than ordinary people, public trust is eroded and inequality depends,” said Sánchez, who insisted that, “despite the difficulties, we cannot let this agenda faded.”

Before the president, the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, also denounced how “the super rich pay much less taxes than the working class.”

Sánchez later encouraged “participating constructively in negotiations for a UN Convention on International Tax Cooperation.” The absence of “certain actors,” said Sánchez, “should not prevent us from moving towards a system that benefits all.” “We must work in a framework that is inclusive, ambitious and that is based on our achievements in recent years,” he added.

Finally, the president of the Spanish Government encouraged “to ensure that corporate giants, regardless of their country of origin, pay taxes where they generate profits.” The solution of the OECD G22 pillars “must be guaranteed and applied.”

“If we achieve it now, we will send a sign of danger that the largest companies in the world can dictate their own fiscal rules,” said Sánchez. “What is at stake could not be more important,” because today, he said, “inequality is being deepened, confidence in institutions is eroding and, without fair taxation, we will never have the resources to fight against poverty or Climate change. ”

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