For many parents it is a world cget your children to sleep in bedbecoming a real challenge for many families. The renowned pediatrician Carlos Gonzalezduring an intervention on his podcast YouTubetold us the key to getting them to agree to sleep in their own bed.
Gonzaléz shared his approach through the search for factors such as empathy, respect and freedom for children. It was highlighted that this change It doesn’t have to be traumatic if it is presented appropriately and adapted to the needs of each child.
The pediatrician explained that approximately three years of age is when many children are usually ready to take the step of sleeping in their own bed without putting pressure on them. The key is in motivate positively to the child: “Look, honey, now you will have a bed to yourself, you’re older and we’re going to buy some sheets that you like,” he added, “Have them choose some sheets that they like, like those from Spiderman or Frozen.” This strategy allows the child to feel that participate in the change and feel excitement.
In his speech, he highlights the importance of transmitting confidence to the little ones. “Tell them that, if one night they want to come to mom and dad’s bed, they can do so, but to do it quietly so as not to wake them and, first, go to the bathroom.”
“Children do not respond well under pressure”
With this, the pediatrician reinforced the keys to reinforcing security of the child and avoid the pressure generated conflict and many times I reject: «Children, like adults, do not respond well under pressure«he stated.
In conclusion, the key factors pointed out by the pediatrician, prioritizes understanding the child’s emotions away from pressureyes. Parents should look for respectful options that encourage independence of their children, from a clear and kind point of view, without resorting to authoritarian methods that distance them, respecting each child’s time.
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