Our grandmothers also came too far

I was reflecting on the current challenges of feminism and its relationship with the challenges of the working class, to which we belong all and all of us who have to work to live, and Alberto Núñez Feijóo came to give me a magical solution: you have to return to the feminism of our grandmothers. It gave me a tremendous downturn to have to fight again to open an account without permission from the husband that I do not have, fight so that young women do not have to go to abort to London, the wealthy, to unhealthy clubs, most of them, to live again how a battered woman who has gathered forces from nowhere to denounce the abuse of stumbles with the institutions and society that they should protect her and that they conspire and that they conspire. It must be remembered that 50 years ago, before 1975, women, when married, were minors again, and needed her husband’s permission to work, get her passport or ask for a loan.

Nostalgia of feminism of our grandmothers. Grandmothers, because they are not women, they are stereotypes, sweet beings and caregivers, adult people. The granddaughters, some frivolous, want to win the same as their male companions, to occupy power positions, have equal relationships and the right to make mistakes, not to depend on male energy to arrive where they want to arrive. Men as Feijóo support the sensible claims of their grandmothers but not the follies of their granddaughters. The leader of the Popular Party, almost by chance, collects the spirit of this time in which antifesism has ended up penetrating. This is the last study that Ipsos: 51% people define themselves as feminist, four points less than last year, and more and more who think that the struggle for equality has come too far and that now men are discriminated. 52% of Spaniards think this, more than half of the population, according to this barometer. They believe 60% of men and 43% of women, all of them, seem to be, victims of feminism that has deprived them of something that almost nobody knows how to define or explain.


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