A few days ago, the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, proposed to create a three -year -old playgrounds that open 24 hours a day. The adding leader made reflection in an act of the Ministry of Social Rights and said that the ‘night nurseries’ were on their list of “pending tasks.” «People don’t work at night?»Díaz then launched.
Before a somewhat surprised auditorium, he interrogated: “Do we have any children’s school from zero to three years in our country that opens and provide public services 24 hours a day?” And he continued: “I speak already private, I do not say public …” And he reiterated, before the silence of the audience: «Does people not work at night? The cleaning workers, the toilets, the journalists? I don’t know, don’t you work at night? I say, pending tasks!
Díaz advocated this curious proposal to the act ‘right to well -being, right to time: universal benefit for parenting and reduction of working hours’ which he went to the Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduy.
Numerous profiles have ironic these days on social networks with the occurrence of the Galician leader. However, night nurseries are a service that can be found in countries such as Sweden, Finland or the United States. In the first, parents can resort to these nursery schools since 2013. When they began to open, their Minister of Equality, Maria Arnholm, declared: «Sweden was one of the first countries to guarantee an increase in female work, and to make That possible, we build nurseries. We believe it is important that families combine paternity with work, and that not only includes those who work from 9.00 to 5.00, sIno also those who do it out of regular schedule»He said. Therefore, the Executive allocated a game of 17 million dollars for these nurseries to reach more families.
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