Only 14.8% of young people between 16 and 34 years old live outside the family home, the lowest figure since emancipation data were available – in 2006 -, despite the increase in their salary and better unemployment figures, but The rise in rents weighs like a burden.
They are the last data from the Emancipation Observatory of the Youth Council referring to the first half of 2024, which show that a young person would have to dedicate their entire salary to paying the rent for a home alone and it would not reach them. Thus, the average salary is 1,048 euros and the average rent is 1,072 – the most expensive in history; He would still need 24 euros to cover the cost of housing, not counting supplies or food.
Given this situation, 70.5% of young households are over-indebted, that is, they dedicate more than 40% of their total income to paying rent.
“The report shows not only that there are fewer emancipated young people than a year before, but that the vast majority of those who become emancipated do so in very precarious conditions,” explained Javier Muñoz, responsible for the socioeconomic area of the Council, in the presentation of the study. of Youth.
The president, Andrea González, has regretted that the first half of 2024 collects the worst youth emancipation data in history, compared to the maximum that occurred in 2008 when one in four young people lived outside the family home – 26% -.
If you thought you would still be able to buy food after paying the rent, we regret to inform you that not even that anymore.
To live alone, a young person would have to allocate 102.3% of their salary. That is, the full salary and the rest… luck.
— Spanish Youth Council (@_CJE_) January 16, 2025
For Sira Rego, Minister of Youth and Children, together with the proposals on housing announced by the Government, more actions are required “to break the speculative bubble.” “We do not want a country of rich owners and poor tenants, but privatizing and liberalizing public land as the PP defends are the recipes that have brought us here,” Rego stated at the closing of the event.
Emancipation falls: 62,458 fewer young people than a year before
The first half of 2024 closed with a drop in emancipation, going from 16.3 to 14.8% of young people residing in Spain in one year. There are 62,458 fewer young people living outside the family home than a year before.
This drop in the emancipation rate of 1.47 points has mainly affected young women and those between 25 and 29 years old and occurs despite the increase in the median youth salary – 4% – and a slight decrease in the youth unemployment rate, of 0.34 percentage points. Almost three out of every four young people with work continued to live with their families, the study highlights.
Poverty closes to young people
Three out of every ten young people in Spain are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Furthermore, 22.8% of those who had a job were also poor, so having a salary does not exclude being in a situation of poverty, it indicates.
Even renting a room instead of an entire home, they have to dedicate more than 30% of their salary to housing, compared to the recommendation of international organizations not to exceed that percentage.
In Spain the median price of a room is 375 euros per month, 35.8% of the salary. And in some provincial capitals, such as Palma de Mallorca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Málaga, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Barcelona, València or Donostia, the median income exceeded 40% of the salary.
Since 2008, young people’s wages have increased by 10.8%, while rents have increased by 54%, the report shows.
Big differences between communities
The Observatory highlights the great differences between the emancipation rates of the different communities: if in Asturias 17% of young people live outside the family home, the percentage in Castilla-La Mancha is 11.2%, seven percentage points less .
There are also great inequalities in the unemployment rate: in the Community of Madrid it is 13.9%, compared to communities such as Andalusia and Extremadura where the percentage is more than double.
Regarding young salaries, the highest are in Madrid (1,284.92 euros net per month) and the lowest are in the Canary Islands (834.21 euros net per month).
Among their proposals, they are committed to raising the minimum professional salary, an effective youth rental bonus and changing the Minimum Living Income to include vulnerable young people.
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