one piece remains on the crest of the wave, between manga, animated series, and also the Netflix live action series to relaunch the franchise and this is also reflected in these reinterpretations, as demonstrated by the new Nami cosplay from elia.fery really perfect in reproducing the original version.
The character in question needs very little introduction: present almost from the beginning of the adventures in the Straw Hat crew, Nami is one of the protagonists in all the narrative arcs of the very long manga and anime, evolving with this.
Her appearance, over the years, has changed evidently: the girl has matured following the time jump and then changed her look several times, between haircut, clothes and general physiognomy, but elia.fery's interpretation refers above all to the more classic one of Nami, with white t-shirt with blue stripes, short skirt, curly hair shoulder height and fighting stick.
Nami by elia.fery
She is, in essence, the iconic version of Nami, who the model in question she truly interprets with great skill: the reproduction of the dress does not pose major problems, but it is the combination of hair, clothing, pose and physique that represents one of the best cosplays we have seen recently for the character.
If you want to see other interpretations on the subject, we refer you to Nami's cosplay from Seracoss, to that of Win_winry_, to Nami's cosplay from Bellatrix Aiden and to that of cahwho.
#Piece #Nami39s #cosplay #elia.fery #classic #victorious