Queen Letizia has attended in the company of Yolanda Díaz to the central act of the Talent Tour in the Almeria capital, the ‘Princess of Girona Congress’, which hosts the proclamation of the Princess of Girona ‘Art 2025’. A day of work for which both women have opted for styles in which the American plays a fundamental role. In the case of the Second Government Vice President in a suit form, while in the case of the queen betting on mixing both textures and colors.
Once again, the accessories have played a role based on the styling of Doña Letizia, who has wruggled again with his styling to a local brand carrying an original bag of an Almeria brand. This is the Tokyo model, a loop bag of the Almería Mona Moon Accessories Signature that has not gone unnoticed by the striking of its design. «We are excited. Thanks to all those who support us day by dayto the team we have behind and especially Carmen (the boss) because although things are sometimes not easy, it teaches us not to give up, “they wrote from the brand on social networks. Made of soft skin, it is inspired by the Japanese technique Furoshiki, a technique that is used to wear packages or make bags with tissue or silk scarves. Its price is 195 euros. The rest of the look was made up of camel skin pants, combined with a Beige shirt somewhat softer and with flower print and a black American that contributed seriousness to styling.

For its part, Yolanda Díaz has opted for a set with more color with a blue jacket suit with pictures and double white button. A two pieces of Sandro Paris which has led several times and that makes up an elegant and flattering look.
A bag inspired by Japan

Tokyo Bag (€ 195)
Mona Moon
He Mona Moon Tokyo Model That Mrs. Letizia has looked born on a trip that Carmen Gómez, designer of the brand, made to Japan where inspired by the technique was the challenge of taking her from the fabric to the skin. On that trip, the designer also agreed with the queen, who was officially visiting Japan and it was where they both met.
Mona Moon advocates the consumption of timeless accessories, hand -made with a halfway design between art and functionality. The result is striking, very light, practical and urban bags designed for real women who do not renounce fashion. Carmen Gómezcreator of the brand, she is an engineer by profession and vocation designer. In full economic crisis he left a job that no longer excites him to begin this adventure. «Mona Moon is A brand of bags with a very personal spirit and a captivating design. The purity of lines and innovation in the finish of the skins represent the heart of the brand, ”he explains. Since its inception in 2013 advocates the consumption of timeless accessories in which crafts play a fundamental role.
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