What happened to Francesco Monte
Many are wondering, no longer seeing him on the small screen like they used to. What happened to Francesco Monte? The ex of Men and women, who also participated in an edition of Big Brother, has definitively abandoned the TV. But how he lives today? He reinvented himself and started a new adventure from the beginning, always in the world of entertainment.
Francesco Monte had been the tronista of an edition of Men and women. He had also made headlines for one relationship with Cecilia Rodriguezsister of Belen, who recently announced her marriage to Ignazio Moser.
He also participated in an edition of Big Brother. Inside the most spied on house in Italy she had also had a sort of special friendship with Giulia Salemi, which had been talked about so much. The last years of the former tronista were not easy, as he himself said in several interviews with Verissimo.
The former gieffino has repeatedly said that he had several panic attacks. “I left after a year and a half. I had them practically every day and quite strongly. They even came while I was driving. I had to stop and call my brother to come get me“.
This is the story of the young man, who then added: “The attacks were probably the effect of everything I had been trying to compress for more than a year, including the pain of my mother's death.”.

What happened to Francesco Monte: he still works in the world of entertainment, but not on TV
Today Francesco Monte, who tries to live a little further away from gossip spotlight compared to the past, he is cultivating his passion for music. In fact, he has started playing the piano again and is studying the bass.

Francesco also released his first single, Repetir, under the stage name of Kirami. The reception of his song was good, we'll see if this is really his path.
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