Residing in Spain continuously is not enough to obtain nationality. To achieve this, it is necessary to demonstrate the knowledge of the Spanish Constitution and the social and cultural reality of the country through evidence or exams carried out by the Cervantes Institute. However, not all foreigners who wish Obtain Spanish nationality must perform these testssince there are some exceptions.
Exceptions to the Spanish nationality examination
The order JUS/1625/2016, of September 30on the processing of the procedures for granting Spanish nationality by residence, exempts from presenting the exams to obtain Spanish nationality to:
- Under 18 years.
- People with legal capacity judicially.
Additionally, it allows to request the dispensation of these exams to:
- People who do not know how to read or write or have learning difficulties: they have the possibility to request the dispensation of the CCSE and/or DELE exam.
- People who have been schooling in Spain and overcome mandatory secondary education. Both extremes must be accredited by the timely documentation incorporated into the file.
- Also, for People with disabilitiesthe Cervantes Institute will offer special actions in the administration of the DELE and CCSE tests so that they have the support and reasonable adjustments that allow them to attend in conditions of effective equality.
The nationalities of the Language Exam
Applicants of Spanish nationality for residence must prove the overcoming of two exams, in the terms established in article 6 of the Regulation approved by Royal Decree 1004/2015, of November 6:
- The Spanish Diploma as a Foreign Language (DELE) at least level A2
- The evidence that proves the constitutional and sociocultural knowledge of Spain (CCSE).
However, the overcoming of the Spanish domain (DELE) domain test of level A2 or higher will be necessary in the case of applicants over eighteen years and people who do not have the judicially modified capacity. The nationals of:
- Argentina.
- Bolivia.
- Chili.
- Colombia.
- Costa Rica.
- Cuba.
- Ecuador.
- El Salvador.
- Guatemala.
- Equatorial Guinea.
- Honduras.
- Mexico.
- Nicaragua.
- Panama.
- Paraguay
- Peru.
- Puerto Rico.
- Dominican Republic.
- Uruguay.
- Venezuela.
#foreigners #examination #Spanish #nationality #exceptions