Justice Reform, Santalucia (Anm) Attacks the Government
The bill North on the Justice today arrives at Room. The Meloni government has decided to give a clear signal of change with this reform. But the law written by the minister the judges don’t like it. Joseph Saint Luciathe president of the National Association of Magistrates says it openly and points the finger at the government. “Behind the separation of careers and the High Court – thunders Santalucia in La Stampa – there is the idea that the the judiciary does not know how to govern itself. With the Psycho-aptitude tests the suspicion creeps in that the magistrates are not balanced. With the draw for the CSMthe premise is that magistrates do not know how to choose their representation. Overall we are places under protection in such a way that it mortifies our professionalism“.
“The philosophy on which I beg to differ – Santalucia continues to La Stampa – is that rules are impediments to growthspeed and development. Instead, no, the rules facilitate growth and prevent that abnormal development that should not occur. We continue to believe that the rules are the precondition for growth and increased competitiveness“. Santalucia also addresses in detail the theme of limitation of wiretapping. “While it remains true that wiretapping is a very invasive tool to be used with caution and professionalism, and on this principle I fully agree, the solution proposed by the Minister of set an expense regardless will reduce inevitably the field of interceptions.
“It will mean to depress – Santalucia continues – the efficiency of the investigations. Talking about costs without comparing them with the results obtained is a misleading way of framing the problem. If the wiretaps are misusedthe minister has inspection powers to check. But if they are used well, they are a wealth and this is undoubtedly because increase investigative efficiencythey allow to uncover criminal acts and to recover for the benefit of the state coffers the wealth that comes from illicit behavior”.
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