The one from Syria Refugee expert Tareq Alaows von Pro Asyl described the feelings of many compatriots as a mixture of hope and fear. Many of them are very afraid of being deported, said Alaows on ZDF. Many also wanted to go back to help rebuild the country. So far there is no certainty in which direction Syria is developing. Alaows fled Syria to Germany in 2015.
Previously he had Union politician Jens Spahn suggested supporting the return of refugee Syrians. “As a first step, I would say we make an offer. How about if the federal government said: Anyone who wants to go back to Syria, we will charter machines for them and they will receive an entry fee of 1,000 euros,” he said on the RTL/NTV program ” Frühstart “. As a second step, Spahn suggested that Germany organize a “reconstruction and return conference” with Austria, Turkey and Jordan in the spring. Jürgen Hardt, foreign policy expert for the CDU, also called for a reassessment of the political situation in Syria and the question of who can find protection in Germany.
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