The case is complicated and gets even more mysterious. Forensic analysis revealed that Betsy Arakawa It was the one who died first because of a Hantavirus infection. A week later the time came to Gene hackmanthat he had a Alzheimer’s advanced that possibly or knew that his wife had died.
However, this are only the first investigations of experts and there are still Many doubts to solve. Such as how the wife of such an unusual disease was spread and that rodents normally have. Or, worse, how can it be called to your doctor’s clinic 24 hours after the death estimated by forensics?
That is the latest information published by the ‘Daily Mail’, which has spoken with the Doctor Josiah Childwhich has a clinic in Santa Fe, near the house of the deceased. “Mrs. Hackman did not die on February 11 because she called my clinic on the 12th,” he said. «He had called a few weeks before his death to ask about a echocardiograma heart scanner, for her husband. He was not my patient, but one of my patients had recommended my clinic. He asked for an appointment for herself on February 12but it had nothing to do with something respiratory, “he added.
But two days before his appointment with the doctor, Betsy called to cancel. He assured that her husband was not right. «We mark another appointment but It never appeared. Did not show any symptom of respiratory condition and the appointment did not have Nothing to do with Hantavirus. We try to call it on a couple of occasions without obtaining an answer, “the health professional has reiterated.
In addition, he points out that patients who die from Hantavirus do it in the hospital. «It is a surprise that Mrs. Hackman will talk to my clinic on February 10 and 12 Without showing respiratory symptoms«, Has insisted.
His dog died of starvation and dehydration
This information awakens even more doubts in the case, which continues under investigation. Especially since on the same day of the alleged death, on February 11, Betsy had been View in public making various errands. From visiting a supermarket to the pet store.
Another fact that has recently met what happened in that tragic week is the reason for the death of the couple’s dog. While the other two animals of marriage were in bad conditions but alive, one of the dogs died in the same bathroom in which Betsy died. The cause was, as the forensic have determined, Dehydration and starvation. He had just been operated and was still convalescent.
Meanwhile, Gene Hackman has launched himself to claim what he considers that he corresponds to the inheritance. The actor had left his wife everything, so it is about to see how the will is distributed when the worst of the options was the one that finally happened.
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