Decemberto the sadness of many and to the joy of a few, has arrived. And, with this, a large number of young people have proposed find a job to take your first steps in the workplace and make money for this Christmas period and its famous gifts.
The most in-demand positions for this month of DecemberIn general, they are waiters, delivery people, promoters, warehouse workers, entertainers, cooks, cashiers and clerks, among others. Precisely, interest has increased considerably in the supermarket sector.
Below is the complete list of offers with indefinite contract with little experience most notable:
- Bakery staff. BM Supermarkets in Madrid. Full-time indefinite contract. The requirements are to have ESO and one year’s experience. Availability to work on Sundays and holidays. Salary not available.
- Replenisher. Aldi in Madrid. Indefinite part-time contract. The requirements are to have ESO and a minimum of one year’s experience. Salary not available.
- Delivery person. Mercadona in Boadilla del Monte. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. The only requirement is to have a driving license. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Collaborator. Aldi in Santa Eugenia. Indefinite part-time contract of 8 hours. The requirements are to have ESO and a minimum of one year’s experience. The salary is €6,000-€18,000 gross/year.
- Expansion Manager. Day in Getafe. Full-time indefinite contract. The requirements are to have a degree and a minimum of two years’ experience. Salary not available.
- Supermarket staff. Mercadona in Mataró. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. No requirements or minimum experience. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Supermarket staff. Condis in Canet de Mar. Full-time permanent contract. The requirements are to have ESO and a minimum of one year’s experience. The salary is €16,000-€17,000 gross/year.
- Supermarket staff. Mercadona in Granollers. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. No requirements or minimum experience. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Cashier and replenishment staff. Keisy supermarkets in Barcelona. The requirements are to have ESO and a minimum of one year’s experience. In addition, Spanish and Catalan basic level. The salary is €1,300-€1,800 gross/month.
- Supermarket staff. Mercadona in Barcelona. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. No requirements or minimum experience. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Supermarket staff. Mercadona in Pontevedra. Indefinite part-time contract. Without studies or minimum experience. Gross monthly remuneration of €777 with salary progression to €1,051 (20h from Monday to Saturday), gross monthly remuneration of €777 with salary progression to €1,051 (20h three days a week) or gross monthly remuneration of €582 with salary progression at €788 (3pm weekends)
- Supermarket staff. Mercadona in Balaguer. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. No requirements or minimum experience. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Delivery person. Mercadona in Tàrrega. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. The only requirement is to have a driving license. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Supermarket staff. Mercadona in Calahorra and Arnedo. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. No requirements or minimum experience. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Supermarket staff. Magnifying Glass Supermarkets in Santa María del Páramo. Full-time indefinite contract. The only requirement is to have ESO. The salary is €1,100-€1,300 gross/month.
- Delivery person. Mercadona in Huesca. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. The only requirement is to have a driving license. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Delivery person. Mercadona in Pamplona. Indefinite full-time contract of 40 hours. The only requirement is to have a driving license. Gross monthly remuneration of €1,553 with salary progression to €2,102.
- Fish shop assistant. Magnifying Glass Supermarkets in Aranda de Duero. Full-time indefinite contract. Rotating schedule. The only requirement is to have a minimum of one year’s experience. Salary not available.
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