If there is a set of foods to which practically everyone only associates healthy benefits It is the fruit. Their nutritional values are fundamental and also offer unique and pleasant flavors to consumers, so their usual consumption is highly recommended. In addition, there are countless fruits with what surely everyone can find the one that satisfies their tastes.
As if this were not enough, it is known that fruit can be a great ally for those who want Keep the line and improve at the intestinal level. In fact, their vitamins and minerals They are crucial for metabolism and immune system and also highlight their antioxidant effects and fruit is also highly appreciated by the amount of fiber they have and because, at the same time, they are low in calories and fats.
For all this, it is common for fruit to be the protagonist in many Diets to lose weight. Although there is no ‘better’ option, experts usually have particular opinions, depending on the priorities that ‘attack’, and there are also many popular beliefs that some, such as pineapple or kiwi, are the most effective. However, several investigations of the prestigious Harvard University (United States) They agree to point out precisely another fruit.
Especially consumed worldwide
This is the appleone of the most consumed worldwide and that stand out for their low calories and high fiber content, especially in the skin. With this, many manage to feel more full after eating it and is an ally against the middle or mid -morning cravings. In addition, it contains pectin, which contributes to regulate the sugar levels In the blood. In Harvard, experts have managed to see all these benefits in several studies.
One of them aimed to the benefits for the cardiovascular health. Thus, as published in the ‘Harvard Health Blog’, the high fiber content of these world -famous pieces helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels, known as bad, which improves blood circulation and can avoid cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack.
The Type 2 diabetes It is another of the diseases against which the apple can help due to its low glycemic index. There are other fruits with less but in any case that of the apple is good for blood sugar not to rise rapidly, as they remember from the medical institution, and also the fiber that also has these glucose levels.
In this sense, the fiber It is another of the pillars of the benefits of the apple. The ‘Harvard TH CHAN School of Public Health’ pointed out in an article that the high fiber content of the apples collaborated to maintain the feeling of satiety. Several studies have corroborated that the intake of fiber -rich fruits, such as apples, tend to consume less calories throughout the day. In addition, its fiber is excellent for digestive health, so that apple helps intestinal transit and prevent constipation.
Finally, in recent times there have been many looks in the Quercetina flavonoid antioxidant compound with high anti -inflammatory and antioxidant capacities. And it is that another recent Harvard study encouraged to take an apple up to date to fight against inflammation in the body, which can become chronicle and to relate to varied diseases ranging from heart problems, cancer or diabetes.
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