With the rhythm so frantic of daily life that many Spanish and Spanish carry, it is normal to cease bit And even nothing. In fact, a usual scene is to eat a piece of fruit for this moment of the day, a yogurt or a glass of milk with cookies.
Something that, logically, is not right. And it is a meal as important as breakfast and lunch, where quality must prevail in the face of quantity, Because they eat it in the last hours of the day, when the level of activity is reduced and prepared to sleep.
“If we only take fruit, we are considerably displacing other foods that it is important to consume, such as eggs, fish or vegetables“said the dietitian and nutritionist Juliá Ferré in ‘The avant -garde‘. It is not bad, in exceptional cases such as being sick or when you don’t have too much appetite.
The problem comes when we take it as a habit. In the expert’s opinion, enough value is being given to bet For a balanced dietwith all the nutrients that the organism needs. And, of course, avoiding those empty calories to the fullest that neither benefit nor saccian.
The complete list
Between The most important reasons for dinnerit is worth highlighting the following:
- Help create muscle. Improves muscle synthesis, as long as it is mainly protein.
- Improves Mañanero Metabolism. It is the way your body turns food into energy.
- Anxiety decreases to eat bread and sweet in the morning. If you don’t dinner to lose weight, you will wake up with more desire to eat sugar and end up eating more.
- Help sleep and rest better. Improves sleep quality.
To take into account
With all this, it should be noted that for an ideal dinner with which to lose weight the balance is the key. Several nutritionists currently recommend, and especially for this start of the year, A combination of lean protein, low glycemic index carbohydrates and healthy fats.
Some dinner alternatives can be a grilled chicken breast, asparagus and a small portion of quinoa. Another option would be a spinach salad, some grilled salmon and a little avocado, which is fashionable in last years.
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