Aging No It is understood as a threat, but as a source of opportunities and collective use. Beyond a balanced feeding, drink water, carry out physical activity and attempt rest moments, there is a factor that is Key to stay young for longer.
In depth
Yes, and what For a long time we have ignored. According to an investigation carried out by Sun Yat-Sen University researchersmental resilience No It is only decisive to face the difficulties of life, but also plays an outstanding role, as we age, in health.
Apparently, this ability to face and adapt correctly at circumstances and challenging events of life appears closely linked to a lower risk of death. Which, of course, has generated some debate on social networks.
More details
Based on data from the United States Health and Retirement Studywhere adults over 50 years have been monitored for more than 12 years, the study has revealed that with greater resilience We not only lived longerbut we also enjoy better quality of life.
As if that were not enough, factors such as social support, the meaning of life and positive emotions have a remarkable impact on psychological resilience. In fact, wake up positive emotions – very difficult for the effects as protection of resilience and helping to stop the stress of the whole week.
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