Navantia is over the tension of the submarine equipment S-82 Narciso Monturiolsecond of the S-80 series that will expand the fleet of submersibles of the Spanish Navy. With this test, the Spanish shipping company has finished the installation of the main and auxiliary networks of electrical distribution. From this point, the S-82 will suffer a battery of more than 1,500 navigation verification tests with a view to floating it in summer.
The power grid of the submarines of the S-80 series, whose first copy, the Isaac Peral, is already being used by the Navy, are a pillar of the pillar Best anaerobic propulsion system. The system consists of a bioethanol reformer that produces hydrogen. This element is reaction to oxygen in a fuel pile generating electricity, which increases the time that the ship can remain submerged.
Summer floating tests
Navantia’s goal is that Narcissus Morturiol begins to perform floating exams in Cartagena’s shipyards in the third quarter. As a previous step, the shipping company has submitted to S-82 at the first port tests. The plan includes the realization of more than 1,500 verifications, including port, navigation and immersion tests.
The S-80 program delivered its first submarine, the S-81 Isaac Peral, to the Navy in November 2023, after several years of delay of the original plan due to flotability problems. On the whole, The program has cost 4,000 million euros and It will deliver four submarines: The S-81 Isaac Peral, the S-82 Narciso Monturiol, the S-83 Cosme García and the S-84 Mateo García de los Reyes. The current plan contemplates the completion of the program in 2032, according to the Government.
Submarino ‘Made in Spain’
The advantage of the S-80 is the time that can be submerged. The propulsion system, not using air, allows A autonomy of three weeks under the waterswhich decreases the risk of detection. Navantia has opted for a design with a high level of automation. The objective is that S-80 have a minimum crew of 32 people for intelligence missions, land attack and naval and submarine war.
The Spanish design and manufacture of the S-80 can be a source of future Navantia income, in the same way as its F-100 class frigates. Spain has been placed on a narrow podium of Anaerobic propulsion submarines manufacturers (non -nuclear), led by Germany, France and Sweden. These countries have exported many units to dozens of countries, becoming the main builders of this kind of ships.
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