Michiyuki Honma, the president of Studio Pierrot, responsible for the anime of naruto and other well-known series commented that Japanese animation should not censor itself to be more popular abroad.
This came up while talking about the success obtained outside of Japan by the adventures of the young Uzumaki as well as those of his son, Boruto. Honma pointed out that replicating that was difficult but that it should not lead to certain compromises.
According to the leader in charge of the study of Naruto 'it is difficult to make a work that is popular abroad or that ends up becoming a long-running series'.
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To the above, Michiyuki Honma added 'of course, aim for that in part, but if you make animation with only that in mind it will end up becoming more and more boring'.
Then Honma gave an example 'We will not let them smoke so we can take it abroad'which involves changing the way a character is.
The missing 4Kids tried that when they changed Sanji's cigarette from One Piece from Toei Animation for a palette and it was a failure.
The president of Studio Pierrot mentioned more examples such as 'we have to tone down the violence a little; avoid sexy expressions'.
That would never have worked with narutoand then Michiyuki Honma pointed out 'if Japanese animation is subject to such restrictions on expression, there is no way people abroad would want to watch it'.
Honma declared confidently 'Jobs that are a success in Japan will be a success abroad. I think we shouldn't make the mistake of approaching anime production in the wrong way.'.
naruto It is one of the most popular series due to this strategy. Regarding this he said 'a series of this size will have a different revenue structure than a television anime with only a dozen episodes'which applies in this case.

Michiyuki Honma finished by saying 'I am infinitely grateful to have had the opportunity to know and produce a great work that will end up becoming a long-running series that will last for years'.
With details from Comic Natalie. Apart from naruto and Studio Pierrot we have more anime information at TierraGamer. Follow our news on Google news so as not to miss any.
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