“I’m going to do the paripé for a little while and now I’ll see you,” were the words with which Nacho Cano entered this Monday to testify in the trial that seeks to verify whether the music producer had several young dancers from Mexico acting as false scholarship holders in his work Malinche. An hour and a half later, the former member of Mecano maintained when leaving Court number 19 in Madrid that he is innocent and that the investigation is the result of an operation against him for “supporting Isabel Díaz Ayuso”: “Pedro Sánchez fears her.”
The musician has addressed the President of the Government directly: “You are going after me, but I am not going to fall.” Nacho Cano has alleged that he has been “honestly making music for the world for 45 years.” “He is going to fall, because he is a corrupt man who uses his corrupt ministers, corrupt police officers and hand-picked lawyers,” he insisted, before stating that Sánchez “has nothing” that he cannot “buy”: “A Those of us who want to be Spanish take the money from us to give it to those who do not want to be Spanish to buy their votes. And on top of that, you allow yourself to spend our money to honor Franco when you support the tyrant of Maduro, with your colleague Zapatero and Monedero who work for him.”
“This is the truth. “All this that is happening is a smokescreen for us to entertain ourselves, nonsense, and I am going to be in charge of proving that this is so,” he concluded bluntly, without allowing the press to ask him any questions about what his situation had been like. statement.
It was expected that Roxana Gabriela García, Cristina Carmiñe and Susana Jové would also go to court as investigated, although only the third, who served as head of personnel of Malinche. The first has not appeared because she is in Mexico and has requested to testify through a rogatory commission, and the second because she is on medical leave.

Although she was not summoned today to testify before the judge responsible for the case, Leslie Guadalupe, the intern who denounced Nacho Cano, has gone to court to have the music producer “look her in the eyes” and “lie to her.” the face.” For the dancer, Cano “had no professional ethics” for not bringing the Mexicans “legally.”
The young woman has made reference to the two sentences about which elDiario.es has been informing two workers of Malinche to whom the former member of Mecano has had to compensate for unfair dismissal: “I just want to say that if the river sounds it is because it carries water, and we have to stop for a moment to think about this.”
Responsibility as artistic director of ‘Malinche’
Alfredo Arrién, the lawyer of the complaining dancer, described the statements made this Monday as “interesting” upon leaving the Court, given that “they have recognized the relationship that existed between the Mexican workers.” In turn, he has complained that “they have not responded” to any of the questions he has asked. Regarding Nacho Cano’s testimony, he indicated: “He has tried to evade responsibility by referring to the fact that it is an organization and that he is only the artistic director of the project, and that therefore he could not know those details.”
For his part, José Luis González-Montes, Nacho Cano’s lawyer, has assessed that the musician “has not evaded any responsibility” during his statement: “He is a creator, he is an artist. It has a consolidated and brilliant team in the development of its function in production, legal advisors, and immigration matters. He is not in charge of issues of this type, it is obvious, but he does want them to be done well with top-level professionals.” According to the defense, he has also “reported how the casting took place in Mexico, the training of the interns, how non-work practices were carried out as part of that training.”
The lawyer has advanced that they only “trust” the review of the “appeal procedure in the Provincial Court.” “The defense exercise is disturbed by denying the possibility of questions at all times because it is impertinent,” he criticized.
The investigation continues, at the moment it is pending that the two witnesses whose status the judge changed to under investigation last week will testify. This is the owner of the hostel where the young dancers stayed, who is also the executive producer of the musical and a shareholder in the company; and the administrator of the JANA School with which they signed the alleged agreement.
#Nacho #Cano #testifying #Malinche #trial #message #Pedro #Sánchez #fall