Maquia It is a hidden gem that could be perfect to see in the company of your mother, whether in body or soul, I will tell you what it is about and why you should see it at least once in your life, and I will tell you what things to focus on because They should not go unnoticed under any circumstances, especially on Mother’s Day. Let’s reclaim the role and complexity of the concept: mother!
Maquia is a film that premiered in February 2018 in Japan, it is a PA Works production directed by director Mari Okada. The character designs were done by Akihiko Yoshida, and you will notice right away since the style of Bravely Default and final fantasy They are evident. The adventure is full of magic and has a rhythm of very warm sensations.
Maquia It is a special delivery but more complex than it appears at first, I will show you below. And not, We are not going to talk about the Oedipus complex on this occasion!
Maquia: When The Promised Flower Blooms
Maquia: weaving, an immeasurable time that expands from loneliness to motherhood
Maquia It is a story that is set in a magical space, in which human kingdoms fight to maintain the power of the territories. On the other hand, ancestral beings such as the reborn—huge creatures that resemble dragons—and the iorph, the clan of separations—a family that could be linked to the notion we have of elves, since they live a very long time, only they appear youth regardless of the passage of time— also coexist with humanity.
The clan of separations weaves hibiol, and the iorph—as they are known—are also able to read the threads, so it is something that is culturally very important to them, it connects them and identifies them. Yes, remember that the act of knitting, especially after Penelope de The odyssey, allows us to connect the flow of time with the image of a woman’s love. It is a very beautiful idea that Maquia brings us back to remember on Mother’s Day: the idea of weaving, dedication, care and love over time. Very romantic and idealistic, yes, but there are things that we can still consider despite the wear and tear and change in the ideology of motherhood.
Well, the iorph, being fantastic beings, are just as feared as the enormous winged creatures, as strange as it may seem.
The protagonist of the story is Maquia, an orphan in her tribe, who resents the lack of her immediate family and longs to have a family of her own. One bad day, while she is trying to calm her perspective on her absences, an invasion devastates her town. She manages to escape and on the way she finds a baby who is an orphan, her parents have just been murdered.
Maquia takes him in her hands and manages to see beyond: the baby is alone, just as she has always felt. After that, at only fifteen years old, she decides to take care of him, and there begins her path of motherhood in the middle of a world that will make her lineage perish, but now that she meets Ariel, as she decides to call him, her life becomes intertwined. with another and you will learn that love, involving union, is a precious feeling that will leave behind a deep pain that is worth suffering.
Once you love, you can’t stop, it’s a painful blessing. Towards the end of the film Maquia will make us understand that.
Maquia: what does it mean to be a “mother”?
Maquia is a girl who at fifteen years old decides to take a baby in her arms with all the implications that this entails. While at first all she wants from herself is to escape loneliness and have someone’s company, she slowly begins to warm to the idea of being a “mother.” Currently, the role of the mother continues to become more complex, but Maquia points out some sensitive truths that may be somewhat general.
In principle, the fact that no one is born knowing how to love, much less knowing what it means and implies to be a mother/father. And, let us remember, just as in romance, self-knowledge, introspection and the improvement and adaptation of skills occurs as time passes, eventually, one is able to better understand the world and the relationships between people, in this way. One way is that Maquia herself thinks and learns to be the kind of mother she wants to be.
The film presents us with other maternities and will leave us thinking about their needs and circumstances, all of them complicated, one not even by choice.
The constant question that Maquia asks herself: “what is it to be a mother?” cannot be answered, not even in the end, and perhaps no one will ever be able to give an answer, but the film does allow us to recognize and reflect on certain things: There are multiple types of mothers and different ways of loving, some more abrupt than others. The film allows us to see again the strength that mothers are forced to embody. So, remind your mother, today more than ever that she, unlike Maquia, has the right to cry, that does not make her less of a mother or less strong; Also, tell her that she can love beyond her children, so that she doesn’t reject her Lang.
Your mother did play a role in your life, in the way she could, but remember that she is a woman of flesh and blood, and she deserves spaces to feel defeated, to love, and to live in general. The role of the self-sacrificing and helpful mother should go out of fashion, because it is usually very harmful for women. Of course, as children, having the stereotype of a mother is a tremendous beauty because there will be no one more devoted to you than your mother, and loneliness will absolutely perish. However, In pursuit of the same love and commitment that the hegemonic mother has with her children, we should consider recognizing them in the complexity of their imposed virtues.
I don’t know if motherhood, as in Maquia, is a mere mechanism to avoid loneliness. We will not know if the commitment to life or to idealistic love full of sacrifices is genuine, I do not know if it is the response of love, what I know is that today, We must relearn our mother and love her in her most complete figure, made up of blows, screams, anger, sobs, but also with the skin of kisses and care.
It is beautiful to see Maquia’s desperation, resentment, resignation and devotion as an eternal path of rapprochement with the one who extended her a future, to Ariel, his son by decision, as children as such should be.

Living together is complex, which is why, sometimes, the purest love, both fraternal and romantic, consists of having a place of rest that invites you, after a moment, to continue existing.
Maquia: eternity as the absence of time
Plato understood time as the absence of time, while the medievals specified it as a linear path to God, time is nothing until you get there. Today, time might seem like a void with multiplicity. In the dark, we move everywhere in the middle of surfing between screens, however, it is true, time is the only thing we truly possess.
Maquia shows us that the valuable thing about love is sharing time and although she feared being alone and towards the end there will be an even emptier period in contrast to the loss, she decides to rejoice in the past. Don’t you think it’s a kind of blessing that children leave before their parents? Maybe to some degree, what do you think?
Maquia It is the promise that love is truly immortal and that after absence, it remains implacable and inexhaustible.

Where can I see Maquia?
The film is currently available on Prime Video and HBO, so you can watch it anytime.
Remember that, although, on the one hand, Netflix has Studio Ghibli films available, on the other, HBO has several by Makoto Shinkai, the director of Your Name, anime films are important for everyone, check out the titles on legal platforms!
Maquia It lasts just under two hours.
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