Over 600 specialists in anesthesia and resuscitation who dedicate themselves to pre- and intra-hospital emergencies will meet from 23 to 24 April in Turin, at the National Congress of the Emergency Cultural Area (ACE) organized by the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care ( Siaarti), chaired by Antonino Giarratano professor of the University of Palermo. “Critical emergency medicine has always been a subject in which anesthetists-resuscitators are team leaders – says Roberto Balagna, scientific director of the event and of the Siaarti cultural area Critical and emergency medicine and director of the complex anesthesia and resuscitation structure 2 , Molinette Hospital – It is finally being recognized that the management of chronic conditions and frailties in the area must find its answer in local medicine and not in emergency-urgency paths. A session of the Congress will concern the interaction between the pre-hospital emergency health system and primary care medicine. The management of emergencies, the real ones, must instead necessarily be oriented towards time-dependent paths managed by specialist doctors from the onset of the first symptoms in the pre-hospital setting, to intra-hospital care up to the definitive treatment facilities. In this process the anesthetist-resuscitator is a strategic and indispensable figure”.
The program “was built – observes Giarratano, scientific director of the event together with Balagna – with the idea of proposing an innovative formula, characterized by the comparison between operators” and between these with “speakers of undisputed competence, who can provide a key as complete a reading as possible on all the topics that characterize 'Critical Emergency Medicine'. We start from the classic time-dependent pathologies – continues President Siaarti – up to the management of 'maxi emergencies' and critical patients in hostile/impervious contexts, without neglecting, obviously, the organizational and management problems that we are forced to deal with on a daily basis. What will have to be the new time-dependent networks will also be addressed, such as that of sepsis and serious infections, which are part of the revision of Ministerial Decree 70 and the new emergency systems. Each topic will therefore be addressed through the classic longitudinal approach which ideally starts from out-of-hospital rescue up to the management of the first hours in the emergency area”.
In the Ace program – we read in a note – the sessions on major trauma, sepsis and septic shock, stroke, medicine in a hostile environment, management of burn patients, clinical toxicology, emergencies in the delivery room, as well as on the emergency management of patients stand out pediatric and psychiatric ones.
The Congress also offers more interactive sessions, such as the talk show on innovations in disaster management in terms of organization and technologies or the comparison on the Piedmont model, with interventions by the Azienda Zero Regione Piemonte. The program is enriched by two pre-congress workshops scheduled today. The first, dedicated to safety in helicopter rescue, will take place in Cafasse (Turin) at the Airgreen headquarters, one of the main Italian helicopter companies employed in helicopter rescue activities also in collaboration with the Civil Protection, carrying out regular Hems activities in Piedmont and Valle d' Aosta.
The second 'Mole 24' workshop will take place in collaboration with the Red Cross, at its headquarters in Settimo Torinese, with the aim of enabling participants to acquire skills in managing emergency situations with limited resources and to experiment with techniques, maneuvers and procedures for unconventional emergency-urgent situations. For a day and a night the operators will experience what life is like in an advanced medical post deployed on a humanitarian mission. As medical colonel Costantino Fontana, Celio military hospital in Rome, responsible for the Siaarti Maxiemergencies and hostile environment section, explains: “Participants in the workshop will live an immersive experience adhering to reality, which will allow them to be aware of particular situations for which it is necessary in-depth and targeted preparation, as well as knowledge of the authors who participate. Training in a real context is the best in training for any trainee”, comments Fontana, scientific director, together with Balagna and Davide Colombo, of the workshop.
“The need to provide care and assistance to critical patients in emergency-urgent conditions places healthcare workers faced with situations that require timely and adequate interventions – remarks Giarratano – With the Ace Congress, once again Siaarti promotes the centrality of the figure of anesthetist-resuscitator integrated into a multidisciplinary and multi-professional approach in the management of critically ill patients even outside the traditional intensive care and operating room environments. Precisely in these days, for example – he adds – our Company is publishing Good Clinical Practice on Management of critical patients in a hostile environment, which follows two other important Siaarti documents, in collaboration with other medical and nursing scientific societies involved in the sector, released in recent months: the Guidelines on air rescue and the Good Clinical Practices on intra-hospital and inter-hospital transport. The scientific activity carried out by our Company in this direction certifies the objective that 'good healthcare' and 'good politics' – concludes President Siaarti – should and must pursue the protection of public health through the application of good clinical practice ”.
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