The Civil Guard of Valencia investigates a man after having 3,193 counterfeit toys were seized valued at around 46,159 euros in a wholesale purchasing business in the Valencian town of Manises. Likewise, 2,336 dolls were immobilized, for an alleged violation of Organic Law 12/1995, on the Repression of Smuggling. The approximate value of these is 15,530 euros.
During the inspection, which was carried out on the occasion of the christmas campaignthe agents discovered a large number of boxes hidden in the warehouse and in the rooms attached to the business, according to the armed institute in a statement.
These boxes contained components for assembling dolls of different well-known brands, as well as others already finished and wrapped in their packaging, ready for sale to retail stores.
Once the products were reviewed, the Civil Guard detected that they presented appearance and distinctive signs identical to the original toy or that they could be confused with it. Furthermore, some security details of the marks, so they proceeded to determine their falsity.
The person in charge of the establishment could not provide any documentation that would prove the legal possession and importation into the European Union (EU) of these items because came from third countries. Other toys were also found in conditions similar to the counterfeit ones, whose legal importation could not be proven either.
In this way, 3,193 dolls valued at around 46,159 euros were intervened and seized. In the development of the same action, also 2,336 dolls were immobilizedfor an alleged violation of Organic Law 12/1995, on the Repression of Smuggling. The approximate value of these toys is 15,530 euros.
Due to these facts, an investigation was carried out into 40 year old man for a crime against industrial property. The proceedings were delivered to the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 1 of Quart de Poblet.
#counterfeit #toys #seized #Manises