Weather forecast for September 10: high risk of thunderstorms for several regions
After days of severe bad weather, the meteorological situation in Italy is showing signs of improvement but we cannot let our guard down yet. The Civil Protection has issued for tomorrow, Tuesday 10 September, a yellow weather alert for risk of thunderstorms in three southern regions: Puglia, Calabria and Sicily. Although the weather is drier in most of the peninsula, unstable conditions persist in some areas, especially in the southern regions.
The North will see a mostly clear day, with some brief showers or isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon on the Alpine sectors, which could push towards Veneto. In the Center, a rapid improvement is expected: some residual rain on the Adriatic coasts in the morning, followed by clearings during the day. In the afternoon, however, local thunderstorms could occur in the inland areas.

The real special surveillance remains the South, where the cloudiness will increase rapidly during the day. Scattered showers and local thunderstorms are expected, in particular over the Adriatic areas of Molise and Puglia, as well as along the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria and Sicily, where the rains could persist into the evening.

Based on the forecasts, the Civil Protection has assessed the risk of thunderstorms and localized hydrogeological phenomena. The yellow weather alert concerns the entire Apulia and sectors of Calabria And Sicilywhere thunderstorms could be intense, with possible flooding and traffic disruption.

From mid-week, a cyclone powered by cold air will bring a change in the weather pattern. Starting from Wednesday, September 11, the first showers will affect the Alpine and pre-Alpine areas, extending to the Northern plains by evening. A further worsening is expected before the weekend with widespread rains that will also hit the Center and the South, in particular the Tyrrhenian side, with thunderstorms and a drop in temperatures.
Tomorrow, September 10, will therefore be characterized by an unusual situation with the North sunny and the South grey and rainy.
#bad #weather #Italy #alert #launched #Tuesday #September #Regions #risk