There are five days left for the last bullfighting genius to cool the bullfighting suit again. For the second consecutive year, last summer he had to cut his season for the aggravation of the depressive picture he suffers again. As he confessed yesterday in his interview … More intimate, “he only made cry and cry.” Now he thinks he is recovering serenity, although he knows that “uncertainty” and “fear” will accompany him in his gang car. It has spent so much time without training that when it resumes sports practice, it has suffered a muscular overload: «I have gone to a physio, but I do not think it returns because that cold cream they use is horrible. I arrived shivering home ». The farm of Álvaro Núñez Benjumea, the farmer of Núñez del Cuvillo who also sought refuge in Portugal, has become a second house for Morante. They tell those who have seen him there, if his mind allows it, this season will come glorious moments.
The bullfighter and businessman Rui Bento has opened the doors of the Plaza de Toros de Nazaré, twenty minutes from his residence in Marinha Grande. His attorney, Pedro Marques, has asked the farmer of Pinto Barreiros for a couple of calves so that the bullfighter training and the chronicler can certify his good physical and artistic condition. After the test, we attest to it. The tempting is scheduled at five in the afternoon. Two hours before, bullfighter, attorney, photographer and journalist sit at the table. “Comed you that I have to fight.” And endured the coming and going of dishes until the waiter offered the desserts. Morante, who wanted to arrive relieved the tentadero, requested two cakes with trapío and first place makers. The things of genius …
Nazaré’s bullring has a special charm
Raúl folded
Short dress, his expression seemed to transform. “I already needed to recover the rite, celebrate this bullfighting cult,” he says. The livestock of Pinto Barreiros was the mother of the Portuguese brave cabin, raised by that bull mouse to which Manolete embroidered in the sales the task of her life. After tempting the two calves, which brought the speed of a Japanese bullet train and the character of a bull of the time of bombita, Morante had even clearer: “What phenomenon should be Manolete!”
The bullfighter wants to finish the treatment to return to his land. There he has his people, and also his incipient livestock. Together with Pedro he has bought the iron of Pérez de la Concha, where with five years he gave his first crutches. They have been made with a tips of cows from Alcurrucén and have all the farmers at their disposal to provide them with cows and stallions on their ‘Malvaloca’ farm, in the municipal terms of Utrera and the heads of San Juan (Sevilla).
“But let’s see, Pedro, who will want to fight our livestock?” “Morante says.”
“No, José Antonio. Nobody.
And laugh out loud. That in the figure of Morante it is the best news of all those that we can offer you of this unforgettable trip to Portugal. Although they are not still very convinced, Morante trusts that this “romantic project” ends up paying off. They have commissioned a beautiful livestock book, such as those of yesteryear. At the moment, his mind only thinks about reappearance. Go out for the Pinares, walk the beach, practice fencing – “In case I have to give some slab” – and thirteen everything you can.

The man is observed in front of the mirror with the conviction of being seeing the bullfighter again
Raúl folded
– I have seen him excited and with good expression before the calves.
–That I try. I have the concern that it is not being easy after so long stopped. But when I am in front of the calves I imagine in front of the public and try to encourage me. All those who have seen me these days in the temptingos, who have already been in several in Salamanca and Portugal, tell me that they have seen me quite well. That encourages me, although one always has that doubt.
– To exercise has begun to practice fencing.
-Yes it’s true. In Seville I never saw anyone practice it, but here I have known and I like it: the concentration and speed are greatly exercised. I have found a good teacher to teach me. And it is also good to give certain sabblazos [ríe].
– The hobby awaits you with enthusiasm and uncertainty. They do not know which bullfighter will find in Olivenza, and there are even those who continue with the doubt that he is not. What would I say?
–The hobby is the same as me. I also have that uncertainty, but a certainty I can give you: I will be in Olivenza. We’ll see what bullfighter are going to find themselves. What I am clear is that I go with the best intentions, and that is why I have again assumed the responsibility of announcing five afternoons in the teacher.
– Although the posters of the April Fair have now announced, you pledged to the businessman back in December when he did not have them all with him. You do not relieve with Seville or in the worst moments.
–Sevilla is special for me. I am Sevillian and I must be. And also thank the businessman Ramón Valencia, like all bullfighting in general, his concern and visits that have made me. Ramón has come to see me several times to Portugal and I am very grateful. I wanted to be in all the squares, although now I have that concern about Seville’s responsibility.

That he had the gesture of putting a couple of flags demonstrates that he trusts his physical condition
Raúl folded
– With all your recovery process, have you followed the bullfight? How are you watching the party?
– I see her without so much danger, because there was a time that worried me a lot and that’s why I made those efforts. I wanted attention to our bullfighting culture. Without a doubt, it is culturally better treated. I should say politically, but the political word does not sound good with bulls.
– If he tried to get politicians without complexes, he has achieved it in significant cases such as Santiago Abascal, Juanma Moreno or Antonio Sanz, with whom he also maintains a good relationship.
-Yes of course. I must say that Santiago has been very worried with me all this time. And also the Junta de Andalucía. With both one and the other I maintain a good relationship. But my true concern is that the bull and bullfighting are taken care of. I think that by them he is getting and from here I want to thank him.
– It will not say the same as Urtasun.
– I don’t know what he said.
– More to say, he has done: excluding bullfighting from gold medals to merit in the Fine Arts, removing the National Tauromaquia Award …
– I did not know. I guess it will be from the PSOE, right?
– Add.
– I don’t miss anything. But he has no command, right?
–It’s the Minister of Culture.
– Minister of Culture? Well, what a culture that minister has.
It should be remembered that Morante de la Puebla has undergone a hard treatment of electroshocks to lessen his depressive problem and be able to return to the ring, having as a side effect a transient amnesia that has erased many memories of his mind. Although the teacher is not quite sure that before this therapy he really knew who the Minister Antitaurino is.
–Now is a brave cattle.
–It is a romantic project that I have started with Pedro. After buying the Iron from Pérez de la Concha we went for some cows from Alcurrucén. It is something that will bear fruit when many years pass and that seems very beautiful, although for the moment it is not too serious. Maybe we soon undertake a deeper project.
– I think he asked about Emilio de Justo in Seville.
–It was a job of Pedro. But, in my view, I had to be in the Sevillian fertilizer. I only know that he offered to kill six bulls of the fifth. I don’t know the ins and outs that you will have had, and I don’t want to know; But to me, as a partner, I would have liked to see him in the posters.
– For the second year there will be no bulls in a place of special meaning in the bullfighting season and in his career: Ronda.
– It’s a subject that worries me a lot. As it seems that the problem is in the structure of the stands, I have thought that Goyesca could be held with half the capacity and that the benefits are to help the Real Maestranza pay the works. I make myself available to Francisco [Rivera Ordóñez]. I am willing to make the effort and even talk to my classmates who, surely, would be delighted as long as that day so beautiful and full of culture was celebrated. Ronda cannot be two years without bulls. I am afraid, I don’t want it to become another Barcelona. It is very important for the people and for their economy.
– It is also worrying that, in principle, the April Fair will not be broadcast. There are fans who have no means or powers to go to bullring.
– I worry, yes. And there is the example of the Community of Madrid with San Isidro. Hopefully Canal Sur finds a way to participate in the Seville Fair so that those people who cannot go to the bulls see it. It is important that runs return to public televisions.
#Morante #confirms #reappearance #Olivenza #intentions