If in the first bonfire of The island of temptationsMontoya was the protagonist for his scene in the purest shrimp style, starting his shirt, at the second bonfire he raised the show when he verified that, indeed, Anita had been unfaithful to Manuel.
“What a shame you give me, aunt,” he told the tablet, where the images were projected. When he saw the first kiss, Sevillian laughed at the tabletmaking it fall. “I leave here!” He shouted, while heading to the shore.
His teammates worried to see him thrown of the beach. “Has he fainted?” They wondered. Sandra Barneda went immediately to help and try to calm the man, who cried desperately.
“She I asked me to trust and now I feel a fool“, I sobbed.” You don’t know everything, I need you to calm down, “Sandra tried to transmit.” He has shown me how it is, “Montoya reflected, who ended up returning to his corresponding place.
The other four boys supported their partner, between hugs and kisses. “Sandra, I’m broken, honey“I told the presenter.” I told you from the beginning, that this is not easy, “Barneda reminded everyone present.
#Montoya #kicked #tablet #checking #Anitas #infidelity #island #temptations #fainted