“There are a few hundred”, but “none in Italy,” the human cases of virus B transmitted by monkeys recorded globally for as long as this pathogen has been known. Infections documented “from the 1930s to today, therefore over almost a century”. Arnaldo Caruso, president of the Italian Society of Virology (Siv-Isv), explains this to Adnkronos Salute, while the spotlight has turned back on the Herpesvirus simiae which hit a 37-year-old in Hong Kong who was attacked during an excursion in a park.
“In the history of this infection – underlines the specialist, full professor of microbiology and clinical microbiology at the University of Brescia and director of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Asst Spedali Civili – a case of transmission of the virus from man to man has also been documented, only one”. Therefore, if “the monkey-human transmission” of the 'Monkey B' virus “is now clear” and is linked to bites or scratches by infected primates, at least “virtually – specifies Caruso – human-human transmission is also possible” . As? “Probably, the hypothesis is, always through the exchange of infected fluids, through cuts or sexual intercourse.”
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