Cybercrime has been increasing for years. From 2016 to 2024, cyber scams increased 490 percent, according to the data provided by the Interior Ministry.
Precisely one of the work of Lazarus Technology, with 54 workers in Spain and 14 in Latin America ( … Portugal, Colombia and Brazil) is to protect large companies, mainly insurers, in front of cyber attacks. That is a branch of your activity; The other is the recovery of deleted or destroyed devices, something for which they collaborate with the police since 2002 and with judicial instances, as well as form lawyers and prosecutors.
His work is like that of a forensic doctor who finds the reason for the ‘death’ of the device and travels through the evidence that has remained in him. And, in this work, they have collaborated in some of the most important investigations of recent years.
Diana Quer
In the case of the disappearance and murder of the 18 -year -old Diana Quer, in La Puebla del Caramiñal (La Coruña), for which José Enrique Abuín, ‘El Chicle’, was sentenced to permanent prison revisable after her confession. The role Lazarus Technology consisted of giving the recommendations on how the young woman’s device should be treated, which was found by a shellfish in Rianxo, after having been submerged.
There it was important to keep it in salt water, the same atmosphere in which he was from his murder to the finding. In that cause, the mobile device was not resolutive, but security forces needed such advice of experts to extract the information about the movements that it had from the terminal.
In the case open to the office that fiscally advised actors such as Imanol Arias and Ana Duato, who faced 27 and 22 years in prison – the first has reached an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office to avoid prison -, the Spanish technological company led By Manuel Huerta he intervened reporting for the main accused, fiscal advisor Fernando Peña.
The investigated tried to demonstrate in the case, which went to trial in October, that the chain of custody was not respected in the records and obtaining evidence of the tax advisor’s computer. “Hashes did not coincide,” says Huerta, in reference to the algorithm used to check if the material that the security forces of the accused’s office were taken and the one who joined the cause and, therefore, was valued in trial, agrees .
The physical material to be analyzed comes (the phone). This has to become a “treatable electronic evidence, conserving the original intact and unparalleled.” This procedure is carried out obtaining the so -called Hash, equivalent to human DNA.
When the test is assured, it can be replicated – unlike the biological tests, in which part of DNA is consumed every time a test is done. It is verified if the test has been manipulated or lost integrity. That is, if it is the same as the original.
Report to the Court
The report on electronic evidence is generated, on the “means of proof.” If someone contradicts the result, they can always contract with the work done in the Forensic Laboratory. The final result is the report on the management of the device that is delivered and ratified in the court.
This coincidence, whose reliability demands evidence accused of this and other investigations (such as retired commissioner José Manuel Villarejo in the Macrocause open against him at the National Court) is what the computer experts in the forensic investigation of the devices seek with their processes . Peña’s defenders alleged in their cause that there was a lack of reliability in obtaining evidence against him and that the archives could be modified. “The forensic environment has to be very protective of evidence,” says Huerta in reference to all judicial causes.
In the historic and famous investigation to Julian Assange for the filtration of classified documents of the United States, including some of the Army on the Afghanistan War, a Spanish office, Ilocad, in front of which the former magistrate of the National Court Baltasar Garzón Garzón is located , had a parallel role to urge research against a Spanish businessman, David Morales.
Spanish lawyers accuse Jerez of spying on Assange during their seven -year asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and selling recordings to the United States Intelligence Service (CIA). The role of Lazarus in this case, supporting the office that exercises the accusation on behalf of Assange’s interests, was to recover the messages of the investigated through a predictive dictionary tool.
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