82 winters turns Miguel Ángel Revillon January 23, and as is tradition, he blew out the candles in ‘El Hormiguero’. The star guest of Pablo Motos (not in vain, he is the one who has visited the Antena 3 program the most times, 34 times), returned to the Antenna 3 this Wednesday the 22nd. Moving like Pedro around his house, he spoke about his personal and professional experiences, gave his opinion without mincing words in the language of current politics, and bullied the presenter when he tried to conduct the interview following the script.
The pretext for the new invitation of the Cantabrian economist, professor, writer and politician to ‘The Anthill’ was to present his new book, ‘Why what happens happens’. Now, he got so entangled with other topics that he ended up tiptoeing through the publication.
Revilla scolds Pablo Motos
As soon as he stepped onto the set, Revilla warned Requena that he was going to be raped. “I’m going to start by telling you off.” The current general secretary of the Regionalist Party of Cantabria had not been convinced by the promotion that ‘El Hormiguero’ had made of his interview. You said ‘he will be with us Miguel Ángel Revilla, he’s turning 82 and he doesn’t care about anything anymore.’ «How will everything be the same to me? About what? “I have never been more worried about the problems of my land, of Spain and of the world,” he stated.
«Your age is affecting you very badly. You’re turning into a grumpy old man. I said it in the affectionate and endearing context that you are no longer afraid to tell the truth,” the presenter replied, barely containing his smile. «It is understood that I come here to do the ‘tarín’. And not. I come here to say important things from the perspective of a person who has seen a lot. And fortunately I still have the ball fairly well,” said the guest.
The birthday boy blows out the candles
Before news events monopolized the conversation, ‘The Anthill’ He treated his most special guest to a cake. In addition, his fans gave him typical products from his land with his face, such as a huge sobao and a pasiega quesada. Regarding the delicious delicacies, and although without mentioning it directly, Miguel Angel Revilla threw a dart at ‘The Revolt’. We are not going to talk about other programs, but there has been another program, which may sound familiar to you, that even said that sobao was Asturian.
“Hey kid, what an affront!” Trancas and Barrancas added, taking advantage. The politician made it clear that although Asturias has wonderful things, such as cider or cachopo, “sobao is a world invention of the pasiegos.” “To each his own,” he reiterated.
Already entering a more serious dynamic, the presenter wanted to know how Revilla faces this new return to the sun. He claimed to be “in injury time”, but he is not afraid of death, but of pain. That is why he was openly in favor of euthanasia. “I want my life not to be artificially prolonged, I saw my mother suffer for many years from cancer out of selfishness.”
For now, his wish is to “be in good head for five years, even being able to come to ‘The Anthill‘ten times more.’ With two visits per season, he is satisfied.
#Miguel #Ángel #Revilla #throws #clear #shot #Revuelta #affront #forgive #program..