Mette-Marit from Norway has participated in the program The year with the royal familyfrom the state channel NRK, where she has confessed that 2024 has been a terrible year for her and her family. In August, his eldest son was arrested for rape and assault of a girlfriend.Marius Borg, born from a relationship prior to her wedding to Haakon.
“(2024) has been tough. Can’t say anything else. “It has been very, very hard for us,” insisted the princess, who admitted that all members of the family have required help from the national health system, although she does not clarify whether she refers to psychological support.
“I don’t think we would have been able to endure a situation like this without that help, together as a family, while maintaining our obligations to the Norwegian people.”explained the heiress.
“If I had to choose a word for this year, I think it would be demanding. It has been a demanding year and a demanding fall for us. “We are not going to hide it,” he acknowledged.
Marius Borg was released at the end of November, after the Police gave up asking for an extension of the one-week preventive detention ordered by a court for the alleged commission of two rapes. The 27-year-old is also being investigated for another sexual crime against another woman.
In total there are seven complainants – six of them women – in the case against Marius, also accused of injuries and damages to three ex-girlfriends, threats to a man and driving without a license.
#MetteMarit #opens #television #year #hard #endured