After almost a decade of waiting for a completely new game of Megaman classic, in 2018 we saw the launch of the eleventh official installment of this character. However, six years have passed and we haven't seen any kind of continuation. Despite all the collections that have come into our hands, fans want to see Mega Man 12something that a new clue indicates could happen at any time.
Recently, Hitoshi Ariga, a mangaka who has worked alongside Capcom on Mega Man mangas and multiple related projects, shared a message on Twitter related to his work on the series. This is what he commented:
“I used to draw Rockman mangas and create encyclopedias and books with official Capcom art, so I know a little about Rockman.”
— ありがひとし
(@ariga_megamix) March 11, 2024
Let us remember that in Japan, Mega Man is known as Rockman. To this message, Ichiro Mihara, vice president of Arika, responded by commenting:
“I used to make Rockman's ****, *** and **** official, so I'm a little familiar with Rockman.”
—三原さん。@ゲーム開発屋さん (@miharasan) March 12, 2024
What was interesting, and what has raised suspicions related to a new Mega Man game, was an image that Mihara shared. Here we can see a design, position and eyes that have not appeared in other promotional materials for the character. In this way, there has been speculation that the vice president is working on a new installment of the blue bombardment.
However, there are also skeptics who believe that Mihara simply shared a never-before-seen design of Mega Man: Network Transmission, a 2003 title he worked on. With this, Arika is currently working on Endless Ocean Luminousand is part of a development relationship with SNK.
For its part, last year Capcom revealed that they were evaluating the approach they would take for Mega Man in the future. While many have welcomed the character's collections with open arms, Others want to see a completely new installment, regardless of which series it is.. In this way, a Mega Man 12 It makes a lot of sense.
We can only wait to find out Capcom's official plans for Mega Man. On related topics, you can check our review of Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection here. Likewise, this is our gameplay of Mega Man: The Wily Wars.
Editor's Note:
A new Mega Man game is already necessary. Although the idea of seeing Mega Man 12 It's interesting, I would love to see more of a full reboot of Mega Man
Via: VGC
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