Mazón tries to protect himself before the judge and endors

The Valencian government chaired by Carlos Mazón has unloaded all the responsibility of the decision to send the alert message to the mobiles of the citizens on October 29 on the occasion of the Dana in the former Conmesellera de Justicia, ceased weeks after the tragedy, Salome Pradas.

The Department of Emergencies, led by Juan Carlos Valderrama, has already sent the report to the Catarroja judge investigating the management of the catastrophe that caused 224 deaths and three missing in the province of Valencia. The document is signed by the Deputy Secretary General of Emergencies, Jorge Suárez.

According to the writing writing The worldthe Directorate of the Emergency Plan fell to Pradas, within a Management Committee, formed by the aforementioned autonomic responsible and the Government delegate, Pilar Bernabé. That is, what establishes the Special Flood Plan, as it has been publishing In fact, the brief reproduces several fragments of the plan, specifically, that the Plan director has, among other functions “to determine, depending on the type and severity of the emergency, the protection measures to the population that must be adopted.” “These measures are: personal self -protection measures, confinement, departure and evacuation.”

This was explained by the Vice President of the Valencian Government, José Gan Pampols: “The Cecopi has two co -director and a unique command; co -director is co -responsible, but that does not mean that it is a collegiate body, does not mean collecting the decision, the decision in the end is unique; What happens that there are two people who have the capacity to give reports, demand responsibilities, and one that finally makes the decision. ” A few words that earned him sound criticism from Vox.

The report adds that there were two emergency department officials, “a editor and a validator”, those responsible for the sending and validation of the alert message through the ‘Es-Alert’ system, whose identity does not specify.

As this newspaper reported, Jorge Suárez was the one who suggested in the Cecopi the use of the ES-ALErt system and who prepared the message, but received political orders for the validation and geographical scope of the massive SMS.

#Mazón #protect #judge #endors

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