Mazón leaves his brand new Vice President Gan Pampols, signed for reconstruction with hardly any budget

The Vice Presidency for the reconstruction of the Valencian Government, one of Carlos Mazón’s flagship ships in the remodeling of its executive after the DANA, will barely have a budget in 2025. The public accounts project that has been presented this Thursday barely collects 14 million euros for the department that Francisco José Gan Pampols directs, Mazón star signing and in charge of driving the reconstruction of the Valencian regions affected by last October 29.

To try to overcome the government crisis and stay in office, Mazón designed an executive with a specific vice presidency to coordinate all actions for the economic and social recovery of the Valencian Community. This department, headed by the retired Lieutenant, has caused from the first moment the jealousy of the ultra -right, which stretches Gan Pampols systematically and has accused him of being “an infiltrate” at the service of the “traitor of Pedro Sánchez.”

The second vice presidency was created with hardly any structure, shares officials with other departments, and now, as seen in the budget project, it barely has funds to operate. The training of Santiago Abascal has demanded to participate in the distribution of reconstruction resources to support Carlos Mazón’s accounts and give oxygen to the president, which he keeps at the head of the autonomous executive with his votes.

The Vice Presidency of Pampols aims to coordinate reconstruction tasks. This is the objective to which it is constantly alluded to when asked about its actions or its –falta of – resources. The second vice president has already awarded for two million euros by finger the elaboration of the plan to the PWC consultant, who has introduced his advisors in the department of Pampols, and advocated that all parliamentary groups will participate in this work. Vox seems to have taken this invitation to the letter, forcing Mazón to make it a participant. The demands of the ultra -right are reflected in the following text: “Vox will participate directly with the generality (sic) in the resource distribution plan for reconstruction after the cold drop. We will work on a joint plan of reconstruction and protection of the community to relaunch the region, help rebuild their lives to all those affected and avoid or alleviate the effects of new natural catastrophes.”

The Budget Project that is expected by Mazón’s lifeguards has 32,000 million euros. The awarded to Gan Pampols does not reach 0.1% of the total, as reflected in the reports that accompany the legislative project. Of the 14 million planned, 5 are for personnel and 7 for operating or purchase expenses, as well as 300,000 euros for investments. According to the budget, these are two buildings repair actions.

These numbers have the extra complexity of introducing the extraordinary credit of the Dana, which makes the budget grow and alters the comparison of the accounts. On March 11, the Consell approved a decree law by which an extraordinary loan is granted worth 2,364 million euros, in the 2025 budget of the Generalitat, to cover the immediate response measures and recovery adopted since last October 29, to deal with the expenses derived from the flood. It is a credit authorized by the central government. It is to these millions that are alluded to as part of the funds that the vice president will coordinate.

The report referring to the ‘Dana Budget’ does not leave in good place the policy of reconstruction of Mazón with respect to its signing. According to the calculation of the Generalitat, the department will have 4,570,000 euros, 0.2% of the total extraordinary credit to alleviate the consequences of the flood. However, Gan Pampols could use a part of the resources of the various expenses, a tailor drawer of a total of 908 million, which grows 600 million compared to the previous year. In the DANA resources report, it is these 600 million diverse expenses that appear for this purpose, 25% of the Dana budget, above the one that has the Ministry of Infrastructure, with 494 million. A priori, Pampols will coordinate the resources, but, judging by the accounts presented on Thursday, he will not have full autonomy to manage.

#Mazón #leaves #brand #Vice #President #Gan #Pampols #signed #reconstruction #budget

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