Marvel Studios is working on a new television series focused on Vision, and actor Paul Bettany will once again play this character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This will be a Disney+ exclusive project and will be available sometime in 2026.
Terry Matalas, co-creator of the program 12 Monkeys of SYFY, and creative producer of the second and third seasons of Star Trek: Picard from Paramount+, is on board in that position.
It is in this way that you will be responsible for Vision Quest, the tentative name of this Marvel Studios show for Disney+. As such this television show can be considered a spin-off or derivative of WandaVisionsince it is related to the end of this series.
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That’s when The Vision — the alternate version of Vision — leaves the town controlled by Scarlet Witch following an unknown whereabouts. That is something that was left pending in the program.
Reports about this spin-off of Marvel Studios’ Vision appeared around 2022, and it is logical that the company wants to exploit the idea of what happened to ‘White Vision’, another of the nicknames by which it is known.
At that time there was information that Jac Schaefer, the executive producer and head writer of WandaVision, was putting together a team to work on the project. But then he turned his attention to Agatha All Along.
Then, in 2023, a report surfaced that Megan McDonnell, also from WandaVisionalong with Peter Cameron, from Moon Knight was recruiting writers for the series. But it’s unclear if they’re involved in Vision’s Terry Matalas’ current project.

Obviously, only Marvel Studios can clarify the situation, although it cannot be ruled out that one of these creatives will raise their hand and confirm or deny their participation in the series.
With details from Variety. Apart from Vision Quest we have more information about series in TierraGamer. Follow our news on Google news so as not to miss any.
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