The BORRASCA LAURENCE He has already begun to arrive in Spain, where in the last hours he has left “abundant rains” and generalized instability in almost every corner of the country. It will not be, however, the only one that approaches throughout this week: as confirmed by the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), on Thursday a New temporary What will you download “More rainfall” along the Iberian Peninsula.
Lega laurence storm with abundant rains in large areas of our country. It will also boost more temperate air, so temperatures and snow level will rise.
→ Wednesday will be a transition day between two storms: on Thursday another rain arrives.
– Aemet (@aemet_esp) March 16, 2025
This Week will be very unstable In all terms, because the Carousel de Borrascas that is expected will leave a very rainy days again in much of the communities. A situation on which an expert in the field has also warned, The meteorologist Mario Picazowho has launched his forecast for the next days, where he warns strong rains, hurricane winds, snow and intense waves.
According to what was the Telecinco time man, Laurence’s arrival will not be the only adverse episode that we will live in the next few hours. In fact, this will be just “The first of three storms” that will arrive in Spain and that could cause flooding and overflow of rivers in some provinces of the country.
Mario Picazo anticipates the arrival of three storms in Spain and alerts the provinces at risk
According to Picazo, the week that enters will be marked “by atmospheric instability, storms and rain.” The first is the BORRASCA LAURENCEwho arrived this Sunday in Spain and is leaving strong rainfall In the southwest peninsular, mainly in western Andalusia, Extremadura and South of Castilla y León Throughout the week.
This storm that has already begun to make a dent on the peninsula has already left more than 60 of notices distributed by the mapwith some provinces that are even at risk. «Andalusia will be the ‘zero zone’ of this new storm, with Seville and Malaga on alert From this Monday for the risk of River floods and overflow», Has warned through his last prediction.
It is expected that this Tuesday will extend rainfall to many areas of the center, such as Madrid or Castilla-La Manchaas the storm progress. Throughout this day, rainfall will also be reactivated in southeast, to the point that “they could be intense between the Region of Murcia and the community Valenciana, ”said Mario Picazo.
In turn, as we approach Wednesday, they are expected to arrive New fronts to Spaingiving continuity to rainfall these days until Sunday even in the Canary Islands. Next to them, we could have wind gusts that could overcome “More than 110 kilometers per hour in the west peninsular”leaving strong waves in the northwest and in high mountain areas.
The areas of Spain where it will snow according to Mario Picazo
In addition to rains, the week will also be marked by rainfall in the form of Snow in low levelswhich we will see even in some cities in Spain. «You could curdle snow in higher provincial capitals in the peninsular interior», Explained the renowned meteorologist when talking about the areas where these snowfall could reach.
«The biggest snow accumulated are going to see them in the mountains of the Central system And especially in those of the Iberianwhere yellow notices are activated by 5 centimeters accumulations in 24 hours», Picazo said about this new snow episode that arrives this week.
#Mario #Picazo #alerts #areas #Spain #risk #flooding #temporal #zone