March is the month in which spring begins and also The month of the time change. The days are getting longer and dusk later, a sign that less and less is missing for Spain to adapt its schedule to summer.
Specifically, the change in watches, which is done twice a year, has to do the last weekend of March: At dawn from Saturday 29 to Sunday 30.
It will be then, within two weeks, when the clocks have to be advanced one hour. Thus, At 2.00 h (1.00 h in the Canary Islands), will be 3.00 h (2.00 h in the Canary Islands). Therefore, on March 30 it will last an hour less, a total of 23 hours instead of the usual 24 hours.
Luckily, most current devices automatically perform time change thanks to NTP network protocol (Network Time Protocol). This occurs in the case of smartphones, tablets, computers or intelligent televisionsso it will not be necessary to be pending time manually. It will only be necessary to do so in those analog devices not connected to the Internet, such as wall or bracelet watches, appliances or vehicles.
This measure, implemented in most European countries, aims to take better advantage of natural light. In Spain, the time change is collected in the Order PCM/186/2022, of March 11, Published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).
This text exposes what are the days when the change to the summer schedule corresponds to the 2022 to 2026 takes place, and on what date it ends. For this 2025, it establishes the March 30 as the day in which the summer time period begins, which will run until October 26.
As of March 30, the time change will be especially noticed In the hours of lightsince it will dawn and dusk an hour later.
However, the alleged use of light and energy savings is less and less, and Critical voices With this time change they have been claiming to end.
The existing debate within the European Union does not seem, however, that it will materialize in a change in the short term, since all proposals related to the time change remain in a drawer. The Spanish BOE gives clues in this line, since no modifications are expected in this aspect, at least, Until 2026which is the date to where the current time change is collected.
#March #Change #day #approaching #Spain #summer #schedule