The concept of entanglement entropy plays a very important role in quantum phase transitions. The DIPC people have analyzed it in detail. The role of entanglement in quantum phase transitions
Where there are humans, there is most likely plastic. Where there is plastic, biofilms end up being created. If biofilms are in the sea, they can reach any coast. Welcome to Antarctica. The Antarctic plastisphere by Pere Monràs i Riera and Elisenda Ballesté.
The ultimate origin of quantum is in thermodynamics, so this should not be so surprising either. A relationship between the principle of complementarity and entropic uncertainty has been experimentally confirmed. The equivalence of entropic uncertainty with wave-particle duality
Why orange cats are orange has not been known until now. The mystery of Garfield’s orange coat finally solved by Lluis Montoliu.
Mapping Ignorance is a collaborative blog written by active researchers and technicians focused on the latest research results in any scientific field. It is an initiative of the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and its Campus of International Excellence. If you want to be a collaborator, ask me for more information here.
Chemical. I work at Euskampus Fundazioa with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU, for which I edit the Scientific Culture Notebook and Mapping Ignorance. I write things for the Donostia International Physics Center and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics.
#Mapping #ignorance #Naukas