The changes that pregnancy produces in the female brain are more important than you can imagine. Pregnancy, a second puberty for the brain by Rosa García-Verdugo.
Being able to manufacture monolayers (one atom thick) industrially is a great step towards the industrialization of future devices beyond electronics. Monolayers from aligned hexagonal islands.
Bone marrow adipocytes play an important role in the spread of some types of leukemia. Adipocytes orchestrate T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia propagation by Marta Irigoyen.
The DIPC people take the “get together with this guy and see if something sticks” thing to another level. A seamless 2D spintronic device by proximity effects.
Mapping Ignorance is a collaborative blog written by active researchers and technicians focused on the latest research results in any scientific field. It is an initiative of the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and its Campus of International Excellence. If you want to be a collaborator, ask me for more information here.

Chemical. I work at Euskampus Fundazioa with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU, for which I edit the Scientific Culture Notebook and Mapping Ignorance. I write things for the Donostia International Physics Center and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics.
#Mapping #ignorance #Naukas