the scientist Manel Estellerfrom the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute (IJC), is the most influential researcher of those working in Spain in the area of cancer, according to a study by Stanford University (USA) that establishes a ranking of scientists from around the world based on the impact of their research.
Esteller, who this summer resigned from directing the IJC after being involved in a controversy but remains at the institute as head of the Cancer Epigenetics group, is ranked 125th in the world among researchers in all areas of science, and the number 1 among those who work in Spain in the area of cancer.
Among those who do not work in Spain, the also Catalan Joan Massaguécancer researcher and director of the Sloan Kettering Institute in New York, is ahead of Esteller and occupies 40th place in the world ranking.
Outside the realm of cancer, the chemical Avelino Cormafounder and former director of the Institute of Chemical Technology of Valencia (UPV-CSIC), occupies position 32 in the world scientific ranking.
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Corma and Esteller are the only two representatives of Spanish institutions among the 200 most influential scientists in the world according to the Stanford University ranking. In third place appears the cardiologist Valentin Fustergeneral director of the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Madrid, which is ranked 244.
The hepatologist follows Josep M. Llovetspecialist in liver cancer at the Idibaps institute of the Clínic hospital in Barcelona, in position 616. All of them are part of the 0.5% of most cited scientists in the world
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The study has been published by the Biomedical Sciences, Statistics, Meta-Analysis and Innovation Data Center (METRICS) at Stanford University. It has evaluated more than 217,000 researchers in all fields of science taking into account the bibliographic citations of their work and whether they are main authors or first authors of the research.
In the case of Esteller, he has published 349 articles as first author or principal investigator throughout his career and his works have been cited 87,876 times by other researchers.
The first place in the world ranking is occupied by the Swiss chemist of German origin Michael Grätzel, from the Higher Polytechnic School of Lausanne, a specialist in the design of nanomaterials that have improved the production of solar energy. He has received, among other recognitions, the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge award in 2021 and is considered a candidate for the Nobel Prize.
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#Manel #Esteller #recognized #influential #cancer #researcher #Spain