Puts to distress with the future there is nothing like resorting to several devices that remind us of the dangers daily. Doomsdaya Tilkut vignette.
The mechanisms that lead to the explosions of white dwarfs are the most varied, with important consequences for the beacons of the universe. The Surprising Diversity of Exploding White Dwarfs
If an immunotherapy treatment eliminates the dendritic cells of a tumor, its effectiveness decreases significantly. Marta Irigoyen explains the process in DEPLETION OF DEENDRITIC CELLS IN ESTABLISHED TUMORS SUBPRESSES IMMUNOTHERAPY EFFICACY
When using cellulose nanofibers to make hydrogels, do we leave lignin or not? The answer opens a huge variety of medical, industrial and even agricultural applications. The people of the DIPC in What Lignin Can Do In Cellulose Nanofibre Hydrows
Mapping Ignorance It is a collaborative blog written by researchers and active technicians focused on the latest research results in any scientific field. It is an initiative of the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and its Campus of International Excellence. If you want to be a collaborator, ask me for more information here.

Chemical. Work in Euskampus Fundazioa with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU, for which I edit the Scientific culture notebook and Mapping Ignorance. I write things for the Donostia International Physics Center and the Basque Center for Apply Mathematics.
#Making #ignorance #Naukas